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A miracle bridge. A fairy tale

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    MMMCCCLII. A miracle bridge. A fairy tale. - September 1, 2023.

  A miracle bridge. A fairy tale.
  Three brothers - Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan Popovich and Ivan the peasant son - went out to carry patrol to the Smorodinova River, to the Kalinov Bridge - to protect the Native Land.
  The brothers stopped in a hut on chicken legs, which stood near the Kalinov Bridge.
  In the hut they found a miracle melenka [a small (manual) mill]. They took the melenka, turned [rotated] it once - a pancake and a pie fell on the table. They turned one more time - the pancake and the pie fell again.
  They turn it - everything is a pancake and a pie, a pancake and a pie.
  The brothers rejoiced: they can live - do not grieve. Those who travel across the Kalinov Bridge are treated to pancakes and pies.
  A night has come.
  The brothers fell into a heroic sleep. Only Ivan the peasant son can't sleep. The stove hums.
  Vanyusha [Ivan the peasant son] got up, took an iron truncheon, went out to the Smorodinova River.
  Suddenly, the waters in the river became agitated, the eagles screamed on the oaks - three Big Serpents are approuching the Kalinov Bridge. One has six heads, another has nine heads, and the third has twelve heads.
  Vanyusha swung, struck [hit] with an iron truncheon, knocked three heads off the one Serpent.
  And the Serpent drove him ankle-deep into the ground.
  Vanyusha knocks down three heads, six, nine heads with each blow, but the heads grow back.
  The Serpents drove Vanyusha knee-deep into the ground, and then waist-deep.
  Vanyusha sees - it's bad. He grabbed a pebble, threw it into the hut - to give a sign to the brothers. All the windows flew out, the shutters flew into chips - the brothers are sleeping, they do not hear.
  Vanyusha took off his forged belt, threw it into the hut - to give a sign to the brothers. The roof has parted, the oak steps have rolled down, the brothers are sleeping, snoring, like the forest is noisy.
  Vanyushka took off his hemp mitten, threw it into the hut - to give a sign to the brothers. The logs rolled in different directions. The brothers woke up, jumped out. They jumped on iron horses. Ivan Tsarevich strikes with a golden sword, Ivan Popovich stabs with a silver spear.
  The brothers cut off the heads of the Serpents, and threw their bodies into the water.
  The fame of the brothers went all over the Earth.
  The brothers see: merchants bring gold, precious stones, wood from distant territories across the Kalinov Bridge.
  The brothers were delighted, they began to live, to have fun, to feed and to treat everyone, to feast.
  And I was at that feast, I drank a honey-beer, it flowed down my lips, but it didn't get into my mouth!
  A note: The fairy tale was written by the author on the basis of the fairy tales 'The Golden Cockerel-Scallop and the Miracle Melenka' and 'The Battle on the Kalinov Bridge'.
  September 1, 2023 00:45
  Translation from Russian into English: September 1, 2023 01:56
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Чудо-мост. Сказка '.
  { 3381. Чудо-мост. Сказка. - 1 сентября 2023 г.
  MMMCCCLII. A miracle bridge. A fairy tale. - September 1, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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