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An American canned meat has turned into a units of account. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    An American canned meat has turned into a units of account. A story.

  An American canned meat has turned into a units of account. A story.
  What did the students do during their studies at the university?
  They attended lectures, spoke at seminars, read books in libraries.
  Once the beer kiosk opened at an accessible distance from the educational building. Some of the students were visiting this point to drink a beer.
  Sometimes the students argued about the issues, which were studing during the classes.
  Andrei remembered how one of the students expressed his opinion about the concept that money is a units of account. Apparently, the student did not know how to refute this concept, but he intuitively did not like it. He repeated in a mocking tone a couple of times: 'A units of account! Ha-ha! ', And thus he expressed his attitude to this concept.
  To participate in discussions on political and historical topics was a much easier thing.
  Everyone could remember something either from their own or family experience or from books.
  Andrei's father once remarked during a family conversation that without American canned meat and without American boots it is difficult to imagine how the victory could be reached. Since his father had an experience of life during the period 1941-1945, Andrei reacted to his words with a certain trust.
  In the next student discussion on historical topics, Andrei expressed an unusual thought: "Without American canned meat and without American boots it is difficult to imagine how the victory could be reached!"
  The words clearly made an impression on the interlocutor. Andrei's buddy from the university for a split second disconnected from the conversation, as if digesting or memorizing, as accurately as possible, a non-standard thought.
  This question was clearly more interesting than, for example, selling beer near the academic building or, even more so, reading philosophical literature in the university library.
  Andrei's addiction to a history has not disappeared. From time to time he met information about Lend-Lease and its significance for the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. But this information had a peculiarity - it was presented in physical terms (natural indicators) (natural data).
  Data expressed in a currency would be no less interesting - let money serve in role of a counting units ... Moreover, according to the rules of a double-entry bookkeeping system by Luca Pacioli, products received under Lend-Lease would have to be accounted. So, such products ought to be evaluated, for example, in Soviet rubles.
  In general, a history - it's an endless survey work ...
  April 26, 2021 09:34
  Translation from Russian into English: April 26, 2021 14:09.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Американская тушенка превратилась в счётные единицы. Рассказ'.
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