Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

An elderberry is in the garden, and an uncle is in Kiev. An effective foreign policy. The note

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    An elderberry is in the garden, and an uncle is in Kiev. An effective foreign policy. The note.

  An elderberry is in the garden, and an uncle is in Kiev. An effective foreign policy. The note.
  How to evaluate the effectiveness of foreign policy?
  There are probably a different ways.
  We use the most elementary method. We take a separate example of foreign policy actions.
  1. A useful diplomatic note.
  'MOSCOW, March 20 - RIA Novosti. The Russian embassy in Paris sent a note to the French Foreign Ministry asking them to help Russian tourists who still cannot leave the Costa Pacifica cruise ship located near Marseille. This was reported by the official representative of the Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.
  The diplomat recalled that the vessel sailed from Buenos Aires on March 3, and on March 21 the whole group of tourists was to land on the coast in Barcelona [Spain]. On the same day, tickets were booked from Barcelona Airport to Moscow and other Russian cities.
  However, Spain prohibited cruise ships from entering their ports. ' [the unofficial translation from Russian to English]
  2. The diplomatic note was effective.
  'MOSCOW, March 22 - RIA Novosti. Citizens of Russia and Belarus from the Costa Pacifica cruise ship on Saturday evening flew from Rome [Italy] to Moscow with an Aeroflot flight, the Russian Embassy in Italy reported.
  'All 37 Russian and four Belarusian tourists, who left the Costa Pacifica cruise ship in Genoa [Italy] on the morning of March 21, arrived safely in Rome and flew to Moscow with an Aeroflot flight,' the agency said.' [the unofficial translation from Russian to English]
  3. The historical hypothesis.
  Even in the era of Nikolai Gogol, cultural figures began to collect a Russian folklore.
  It is quite possible that among the proverbs discovered there was a such: 'An elderberry is in the garden, and an uncle is in Kiev' ['В огороде - бузина, а в Киеве - дядька'] ...
  The continuation of useful traditions, a reliance on a folk wisdom. - And the effectiveness of foreign policy is guaranteed.
  March 22, 2020 04:57
  Translation from Russian into English: March 22, 2020 05:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'В огороде - бузина, а в Киеве - дядька. Эффективная внешняя политика. Заметка'.
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