Zalesski Vladimir : другие произведения.

A parliamentary plot for the Yuna magazine. A humoristic story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    A parliamentary plot for the Yuna magazine. A humoristic story.

  A parliamentary plot for the Yuna magazine. A humoristic story.
  The term of office of the deputies of the State Duma is coming to an end.
  One of the deputies, the editor-in-chief of the Yuna magazine, walks along the parliamentary corridor.
  "What to write about the work of the State Duma?"
  "Anything epic? In the style of Leo Tolstoy? "
  He remembered Ilf and Petrov. Ostap Bender in Kislovodsk. Proval. That is, a failure.
  In the distance, at the opposite end of the corridor, a pretty woman - member of parliament appeared. "It seems that her ex-husband was very indignant: if they once again conduct such conversations with her in the State Duma, such people will deal with him personally!"
  Suddenly the door of one of the rooms opened. A red journalistess jumped out of the door.
  The editor-in-chief of Yuna magazine greeted her politely.
  He tried to return his gaze towards the pretty woman - member of parliament. "Apparently, she went to the minister. There, in the corridors of the ministry, is a more diplomatic attitude towards women ...". "They may hint at the dancing together."
  Here is the door to the office of one of the leaders of the committee on culture. "It is better not to discuss monuments ...".
  The editor-in-chief involuntarily palpated, felt the back of his head and looked around. Did someone jump up to him from behind?
  A member of the defense committee was approaching from behind. He had a black tie.
  "Today, at the plenary session, we declare a ban on playing checkers!"
  The editor-in-chief shook his colleague's hand firmly. They can protect from anyone.
  And here is the chairman of the budget committee.
  An idea popped up in chief editor's head. The chief specialist on Gorky and Tolstoy, with the help of his many collaborators, will find archival materials about the work of financiers during the Crimean War (1853-1856).
  "We will publish these materials in the next issue of the magazine." "It's our cultural code!"
  A firm handshake with the chairman of the budget committee. "What has been heard about the preliminary voting? ...".
  April 4, 2021 07:27
  Translation from Russian into English: April 4, 2021 08:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Парламентский сюжет для журнала "Юна". Юмористический рассказ".
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