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A parting word to the crew. The note

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    A parting word to the crew. The note.

  A parting word to the crew. The note.
  I devoted several miniatures to the situation in the banking sector.
  In this regard, I read with interest a parting word by Dmitry Rogozin, Director General of the State Corporation Roscosmos, to the crew of the S. P. Korolev' ('Soyuz MS-21'). ( 2Fnews%2Fsearch%3Ftext%3D) ([March 17, 2022]).
  What might seem interesting in this parting word?
  For example, such phrases: 'the very name of the ship - Soyuz MS-21' - completely resembles our medium-haul narrow-body passenger aircraft MS-21. I was delighted to be directly involved in the first test flight in 2018. Now a historic moment has come for our domestic aviation, which for a long time depended and still continues to depend on foreign aircraft that are operated by Russian airlines". [unofficial translation]
  This statement is encouraging.
  First, the very comparison of a spacecraft with a narrow-body aircraft.
  Secondly, 'The passenger traffic of Russian airlines on international routes in March 2022 decreased by at least 4 times compared to March 2021, by 16 times compared to March 2019. Mostly the flights operated by SSJ-100 aircraft and routes to the countries of Central Asia.' [unofficial translation] ( ([March 15, 2022])
  The entire Russial economy, including the aviation industry, will undoubtedly develop rapidly with the discount rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 20 percent per annum.
  There are other interesting statements in the parting word to the crew.
  For example: 'Oleg Germanovich is becoming a special correspondent for the Russian news agency TASS. ' [unofficial translation]
  After the actress's flight into space (with another filming partner) - a flight with an estimated cost of about 100 million US dollars - it is natural to expect significant economic figures with well-known bank surnames to fly into space.
  At the same time, you can search: whether exist any technical samples marked "A1" ...
  Perhaps Danya will also fly there ...
  In general, reading the parting words to the space crew, one can understand a lot about the current situation - including in the economy, in the banking sector - about the prospects for Russial space industry...
  March 21, 2022 03:04
  Translation from Russian into English: March 21, 2022 03:34.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Напутствие экипажу. Заметка'.
  { 2865. Напутствие экипажу. Заметка.
  MMDCCCXXXV. A parting word to the crew. The note. }
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