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A Russial cheese and the European milk products. A humorous political note

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    A Russial cheese and the European milk products. A humorous political note.

  A Russial cheese and the European milk products. A humorous political note.
  Repeatedly, the population of Russia was informed about the appearance of the "Russial nation".
  From this point of view, the name "Russial" - for cheese - is politically correct. This name corresponds to the existing political realities.
  Once upon a time, perhaps, there was a "Russian" cheese, but now "Russial" cheese has an indisputable position.
  So, the right to exist for a "Russial" cheese is recognized.
  However, a difficult question arises.
  Does, for example, "English" cheese or "French" cheese or "Portuguese" cheese or "Spanish" cheese, exist?
  No one disputes the existence of European (civilizational) milk products.
  But how can "Russial" cheese differ from European (civilizational) milk products?
  In both cases, the product is made from milk.
  In both cases, the product is made without harmful chemical impurities.
  In both cases, manufacturers achieve the absence of E. coli in the final product.
  European civilizational cheese is no different from Russial cheese? Or it is different?
  Sometimes there are crises. After customs procedures, huge bulldozers crush a lot of food products, where you can find, perhaps, among others, packages of Russial cheese.
  This causes outrage among those who do not want Russial cheese to be associated with huge bulldozers. Appropriate amendments are doing to the legislation.
  Like many other entities, Russial cheese becomes an object of discussion, it requires careful observation, and its prospects are intensely discussed ... It is important to understand the prospects of Russial cheese ...
  May 14, 2022 02:59
  Translation from Russian into English: May 13, 2022 18:39.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Российский сыр и Европейская молочная продукция. Юмористическая политическая заметка.".
  { 2984. Российский сыр и Европейская молочная продукция. Юмористическая политическая заметка.
  MMCMLIV. A Russial cheese and the European milk products. A humorous political note. }
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