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A technical culture. Or - A continuation will be in the near future. A culturological essay

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    A technical culture. Or - A continuation will be in the near future. A culturological essay.

  A technical culture. Or - A continuation will be in the near future. A culturological essay.
  There is a desire to say that technical culture was the quality of (the whole) of the Soviet people ... But ...
  There is a desire to say that technical culture was the characteristic of (the whole) of the Russian people ... But ...
  The segment of technical culture that is associated with the space achievements of the USSR is best known. The most famous representatives of this - cosmic - segment of technical culture are associated with the East-Republican (Velikolithuanian) elements of Russian culture.
  Given this circumstance, we can state the significant role of cultural foundations, common cultural heritage, family education in the development and transfer of cultural traditions.
  One could delve into history. We can to recall the massive transition of the East-Republicans (Velikolithuanians) to the ranks of the Russian intelligentsia at the time of the partition of the Commonwealth (1775).
  You can recall a huge peasant country, with a despotic form of government, where the nobility was not particularly prone to study, in general, and to acquisition of a technical specialties, in particular ("Oblomov" by Ivan Goncharov). In a vast peasant country, the majority of the population was generally illiterate until the beginning of the 20th century.
  The brief period of Stalin's industrialization (30-40-50th years of the 20th century) significantly replenished the ranks of the technical intelligentsia and raised the general level of the technical culture of society.
  It was during the Stalin period that the East-Republican (Velikolithuanian) elements of Russian technical culture ensured the space achievements of the USSR.
  Soviet society received (from various historical sources) a unique group of individuals - the technical intelligentsia. A relatively small number of countries on the planet had technical intelligentsia with traditions and with a significant intellectual potential.
  If a creative person who is used to a normal system of values, by means of "carrots" (Promises and creation of "mirages") is induced (1) to move forward, (2) to achieve a meaningful result in the scientific sphere, and then (3) he is "thrown" (that is, he is not rewarded according to the principles of justice and in accordance with promises and with the "ordinary order" - he is not rewarded with the money, status, reputation, scientific and official growth...), this "throwery" will first be perceived as a kind of accident - frauds are found in any society and any person in any society lives with the risk of becoming a victim of frauds.
  However, if this scam is repeated over and over again, then it becomes clear to a person with any level of naivety that it is not a matter of chance or coincidence of circumstances, but of a value system, forms of government, the principles of the feudal serfdom of the scientific kingdom.
  From this moment, the technical culture begins to degrade, and its level begins to decline. But while the process is masked, it is not very noticeable from the outside ... Everyone walks in suits, with briefcases and they say a smart phrases ...
  The degradation of the technical culture accelerated sharply when a criminal sub-culture began to develop along with feudal thinking.
  The scientific feudal did not deny the importance of scientific and technical creativity; his task was the effective exploitation of the scientific serfs. There were pleasant bonuses for the serf - working days with free structure of time, library days, various business trips, trips to various conferences, including resort places ... And by the age of 60, he (a scientifiс serf) could even write something honorable on his business card.
  Sub-criminal culture takes a step forward.
  A sub-criminal culture refers to intellectual elements with irritation. Such culture cultivates an ironic, mocking, contemptuous attitude towards representatives of culture in general and technical culture in particular.
  The discipline of money (of hunger), characteristic of scientific feudalism, is complemented by the discipline of a fist (of violence) - with the development of the criminal sub-culture.
  Theoretically, we can talk about technical culture, and about everything that is connected with it. About trends, about the inevitable consequences ...
  Representatives of the layer of (scientific) feudals and of the primitive-criminal layer, in response to these mental constructions only internally were grinning.
  Their idea is that there will be enough scientific slaves and the necessary level of technical culture for period of their life.
  It is necessary to put everyone, including creative people, into a hopeless situation (a situation without exit), to put everyone under total control, to fool people with talks about artificial intelligence and the digital economy - and everything will somehow stay afloat.
  An interesting fact is that the growing problems in the field of technical culture coincided with intensive speaking on the topics of 'artificial intelligence' and 'digital economy'. (The topic of contempt, disregard for technical culture and its carriers, reaches the ultimate level. "We have computers, programs, programmers. We launch artificial intelligence, and then he will think independently - in our interests. And we do not need you!" )
  What can an 'artificial intelligence' and a 'digital economy' do? To provide people with a food? To provide people with a clothes? To provide with money? Perhaps, to cure?
  Why don't they delivering a food? A dress? Do not provide money?
  Where were they during the development of the coronavirus epidemic? The main emphasis in the fight against the epidemic was placed on self-isolation, not on effective drugs and treatment methods, which, it would seem, should have been the result of the functioning of 'artificial intelligence' and 'digital economy' ...
  The coronavirus pandemic is on its own, and the 'artificial intelligence' and 'digital economy' are by themselves ...
  All the noise about 'artificial intelligence' and the 'digital economy' crumbles when questions are raised about real problems - about providing the population with money, food, clothes ...
  Actually, if we consider 'artificial intelligence' and 'digital economy' as facts and processes of using computer technology, then the majority of the population is using a computer technologies for 10-20 years, recognizes the usefulness of computer technology, and no special demagogy on this subject is needed ... Unless only not to allocate means for 'smart words' and for the organization of a total control ...
  There is a hypothesis: with the development of total control, the degradation of the technical culture will accelerate more and more.
  There is a suggestion that theoretical reasoning about technical culture begins to BE CONFIRMED by practical events. Theoretical constructions about the excessive drop in the level of technical culture, perhaps, found a confirmation in practice, in facts.
  One of the recent essays we called 'Krasnoyarsk Krai. A continuation in the near future?".
  This morning news came about new technogenic problems (in the Krasnoyarsk Krai), related to the bridge and to the railway track.
  Naturally, problems with the level of technical culture will not manifest themselves simultaneously and not only in the Krasnoyarsk Krai. Scientific feudalism, a criminal sub-culture, an attempts to establish total control over the population contribute to an ever-increasing degradation of the technical culture.
  Residents of Russia get used to almost an everyday news about various technical (technogenic) problems.
  There are fewer and fewer periods without such news, and more and more often there are days when several such news arrive in one day. There is a tendency to conceal such news, to disperse them along a time periods.
  But, nevertheless, it is obvious that the topic of the degradation of technical culture and its transition to a prohibitively low level moves from a theoretical plane into the field of practical events.
  Theory comes close to practice.
  June 7, 2020 08:46
  Translation from Russian into English: June 7, 2020 12:17.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Техническая культура. Или - продолжение следует. Культурологический очерк'.
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