Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A traditions of change of leaders and a culture of change of political courses. A note

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    A traditions of change of leaders and a culture of change of political courses. A note.

  A traditions of change of leaders and a culture of change of political courses. A note.
  A recent agreement between the United States and a movement in one of the countries of the Middle East puts forward for a consideration the relationship between the traditions of change of political leaders and the culture of changing political vectors.
  Once every four years or once every eight years there is a change of leader in the United States - a new person comes to the post of president. A change of leader is the expected an event. (Apparently, the arrival of the vice president in the highest position can also be attributed to an expected events - in principle).
  The expected change of leader is one of the characteristics (traditions) of personnel changes.
  Presidents of the United States: both Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump - each of them have demonstrated a new directions of a political courses.
  The new president has the opportunity to "check" (to "inspect"), to adjust the political course of the previous president.
  The society has adapted to similar events. It affects, influences them (as far as possible) through elections and other democratic and legal procedures.
  To a verifiability and to a correctability an optimization is added.
  In other words, a traditions of change of political leaders correspond, interconnected to a verifiability, a correctability, an optimization of political courses.
  The USSR (Russia) is characterized by a sudden change of leaders. This means that a society (also, a political elite) was perceiving a changing of leaders as a sudden events.
  In the Russian Empire there was an order of transfer of power by inheritance. However, the appearance of many figures on the throne was sudden.
  Suddenly Emperor Nicholas the Second left.
  Almost suddenly Kerensky left (many expected him to leave earlier).
  Lenin left suddenly (the disease slightly blurred the effect of surprise, of a suddenness).
  Suddenly Stalin left.
  Suddenly Khrushchev, Brezhnev (he had been ill for a long time), Andropov, Chernenko left...
  Gorbachev left (almost) suddenly (through a two attempts).
  Yeltsin suddenly left - something New Year's.
  Political courses changed along with the change of leaders. But what are the characteristics of a changing courses? Are there signs of a verifiability, a correctability, an optimization?
  To some extent, we can talk about verifiability. A new leader was speaking out a something about a political course of his predecessor.
  But has there been a correctability and an optimization?
  Society practically was (almost) not involved in changing political courses...
  A significant number of decisions can be described as incomprehensible (for society) and ineffective (option - a premature or a belated, etc.).
  It is possible to express a hope that in Russia the traditions of a leaders changing will be formed, and a changes of political courses will correspond to signs of a verifiability, a correctability, an optimization, a timeliness...
  March 2, 2020 16:29
  Translation from Russian into English: March 3, 2020 01:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Традиции сменяемости лидеров и культура смены политических курсов. Заметка'.
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