Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Currency and exchange rate. Economic comic drama

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Currency and exchange rate. Economic comic drama.

  Currency and exchange rate. Economic comic drama.
  Petr Petrovich, pensioner.
  Employee of the kiosk "Currency Exchange."
  Natasha, the owner of the office with huge gold coins leaning against the walls.
  Paul, Natasha's high-ranking subordinate.
  Participants in an important meeting, including the Chairman, his subordinates and invitees. Among the participants: those responsible for digitalization, for utilities, the head of a foreign trade organization and person responsible for finance. Among those invites - representative of "Bold People."
  The man at the main table in a huge office (an office the size of a football field).
  Subordinate of the Man at the main table.
  Park with a bench and with a kiosk "Currency Exchange."
  An office with huge gold coins (in size like wheels from the peasant carts) leaning against walls. Beautiful portraits are hung on one of the walls.
  Important Meeting Room.
  A huge office, the size of a football field.
  ACT I.
  Petr Petrovich with a bottle of kefir sits in the park on a bench and listens to the radio. Radio reports a sudden rise in the foreign exchange rate.
  Petr Petrovich gets up from the bench and approaches the Currency Exchange kiosk.
  He asks the employee of the kiosk:
  - Is the foreign exchange rate rising?
  - Yesterday it was less by 5 percent. Today it has grown.
  - And if tomorrow it will grow by another 5 percent, how much will I lose?
  An employee of the kiosk shrugs in silence.
  Petr Petrovich sighs and buys $500.
  The kiosk window closes, Petr Petrovich leaves the park.
  Natasha, the owner of the office with huge gold coins leaning against the walls, inspects the portraits hanging on one of the walls.
  Paul, Natasha's high-ranking subordinate, enters the office.
  Natasha says to Paul with affection:
  - The idea to create the State Bank came back in Malyuta's time. But they didn't have enough time resource. The interventionists thwarted, prevented...
  Paul sits down at the attached [additional] table.
  Natasha returns to the main table and sits in a chair.
  Paul gives her a piece of paper.
  Natasha reads:
  - Letter of resignation...
  She looks at Paul with amazement.
  He says with embarrassment:
  - You see, I can't... How can the domestic currency to grow by 10 percent today, and to fall by 7 percent tomorrow? We are the People of State, State's Persons .. I can't...
  - Paul, do you understand what you're doing? You have a house-palace with an area of 2,500 square meters and a land plot of 5 hectares. Tomorrow you will receive ten court orders and a headache regarding counters. And Sveta will be given a deuce [rating "not satisfactory"] and will be expelled from the university. Sasha will not receive the post of trade attaché at the embassy!
  - I can't, Natasha!
  - Forget, Paul, my name and my phone number. If you will feel yourself extremely bad, then act through Irochka. Maybe I will be successful to mitigate something.
  Paul leaves the office.
  Natasha goes to the rest room to drink drops of Valeriana.
  The Chairman of the important meeting, he announces:
  - Today, colleagues, we are considering the issue of currency. We will, colleagues, strengthen the domestic currency.
  - Whether will we strength a money issue [emission]?
  - Who asks this question?
  - Representative of "Bold People."
  The Chairman thinks a few seconds:
  - I ask our colleagues to outline the situation. I ask: those responsible for digitalization, for utilities, the head of the foreign trade organization and the person responsible for finance.
  The person responsible for digitalization stands up:
  - We have all the information. Those who have accumulated some kind of fat and are not active enough in support, - we know them all.
  The person responsible for utilities stands up:
  - We carry out the Operation "Magnit". We will attract money.
  The head of the foreign trade organization stands up:
  - With the money drawn out [money pulled out of people], we will buy liquid goods here and will sell them on the gray foreign market for foreign currency.
  The person responsible for finance stands up:
  - We will send the received foreign currency to the foreign exchange [foreign exchange market]. Supply exceeds demand. The exchange rate of foreign currency is falling, and the exchange rate of the domestic currency is growing.
  The Chairman:
  - Is everything clear to everyone?
  Everyone nods their heads.
  - I ask you to sit down.
  Those responsible for the directions and the head of the trade organization sit down.
  The Chairman.
  - It may be possible to do without the monetary issue [emission]. The Operation "Magnit" and other auxiliary "products" of the utility sector... We will achieve the strengthening of the national currency! The issue has been considered! I declare the meeting closed!
  The meeting participants leave the hall, exchanging smiles and friendly words ("Well invented!," "Great!," etc.).
  Petr Petrovich with a bottle of kefir sits in the park on a bench and listens to the radio. Radio reports that foreign currency has become toxic, its rate is falling.
  Petr Petrovich gets up from the bench and approaches the kiosk "Currency Exchange.".
  He asks the employee of the kiosk:
  - Is the foreign exchange rate falling?
  - Yesterday it was 5 percent higher. Today it fell.
  - And if tomorrow it falls another 5 percent, how much will I lose?
  An employee of the kiosk shrugs in silence.
  Petr Petrovich sighs and sells $500.
  The kiosk window closes, Petr Petrovich leaves the park.
  ACT V.
  In a huge office, the size of a football field, a person sits at the main table, he reads and signs some papers.
  His subordinate is sitting at the attached [additional] table.
  A trolley for baggage of air passengers is rolling into the office. It's got suitcases on. Below are larger suitcases, on them are smaller suitcases. Suitcases make up a small pyramid.
  A person gets up from the main table, walks up to the cart and looks at the suitcases.
  - Everything seems to be going well! - he says.
  The subordinate sits silently and looks (as if guilty) at his leader.
  The man returns to the main table and sits in the chair.
  - Learn to strengthen the domestic currency! - he says to his subordinate. - We'll give you the youth direction.
  The subordinate bows his head to show that he agree.
  The man at the main table takes the papers and continues to read them and to sign them.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 12, 2023 01:51.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Валюта и обменный курс. Экономическая комическая драма'.
  { 3300. Валюта и обменный курс. Экономическая комическая драма. - 12 мая 2023 г. 00:12
  MMMCCLXXI. Currency and exchange rate. Economic comic drama. - May 12, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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