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Daring thoughts turned into educational and scientific achievements. A story

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    Daring thoughts turned into educational and scientific achievements. A story.

  Daring thoughts turned into educational and scientific achievements. A story.
  Andrei thought that not only American canned meat were turning into a units of account. There have been a more subtle stories.
  When Andrei was still in school, either he himself, or his father bought several volumes of History of Diplomacy in a nearby bookstore (at that time, there were two bookstores with second-hand books rooms) in the immediate vicinity of the house. One could easily walk into a bookstore, breathe in the smell of books and look at the bookshelves without any difficulty and without wasting time. And even to take interesting books and to look through them.
  Andrei showed some interest in this History of Diplomacy.
  In response, he received a positive response from the entire family. Some approving remarks followed, forming some positive projections.
  This was the period when the father still had a lot of energy and hopes, the period when the father was not yet bogged down in the swamp of controlled conflicts.
  The idea was formed by itself that it would be good to become a diplomat. How to become one? It's necessary to get a diploma from MGIMO (Moscow State Institute of International Relations).
  This was the time when MGIMO students (and even foreign citizens) did not fall out of the windows (in any case, such cases were not known).
  Moreover, at that time the glorious history of Pavel Krisevich's [Павел Крисевич] admission to the corresponding university (after winning the TV show 'Clever and Positive Pupils" [телешоу 'Умники и умницы']) and his studies there was not known.
  In general, these were still those times ...
  Andrei's father started looking for some kind of contacts.
  And from the Moon (so it seemed to Andrei) a letter came. A MGIMO teacher (and even a member of the admissions committee of this university) by hand (most likely, it was faster to write than to type on a typewriter, and in this epoch texts were not typed on a computer) kindly expressed his opinion about the possibility of Andrei's study at this university.
  There were arguments pro, there were arguments contra. The arguments contra outweighed. A brochure was attached to the letter: "Rules for admission to MGIMO." Apparently, such brochures were replicated by the printing house of the MGIMO itself (or by its orders).
  It was incredible. Now, Andrei had at his disposal not only the History of Diplomacy in several volumes, not only approving remarks by family members, but also a letter from the member of the selection committee himself and MYSTERIOUS RULES, inaccessible to 99.99 percent of the USSR population.
  As for the general opinion of the author of the letter that it was inexpedient for Andrei (without a gold medal) to spend energy on admission to MGIMO, this opinion was treated as a manifestation of reasonable caution. And besides, the problem was not urgent - there were still several years left before entering any university.
  Since the Sun was still shining for Andrei's father at that time (although clouds had already appeared on the sky and they were approaching him), the family had a fairly wide circle of contacts.
  At an opportunity, both Andrei and his family members proudly were talking about his plans to enter MGIMO (and receive a diploma there), and about his prospects as a diplomat.
  Some kind of polite emotions on the faces of the listeners were an additional incentive for stories about the brilliant plans in the capital.
  Andrei was a schoolboy at that time, and he was not competent in his father's affairs.
  But some of the coincidences looked interesting.
  The son of a high-ranking party worker appeared in Andrei's class.
  The father of this school friend turned out to be, in a sense, the boss in relation to Andrei's father. This man was the head of one of the departments of the oblast party committee.
  In the literal sense, he was not a boss. But "signals" were sent "up", and the party organs sent commissions. It was believed that inspection commissions initiated by party bodies have universal competence, that they can inspect anything, and anyone, and in any way (in any manner).
  Thus, the people who were hunted through the sending of such inspections found themselves dependent on a multitude of people. And among this multitude of people, the head of the department of the oblast party committee was one of the central figures.
  Naturally, the commissions did not find anything. Sometimes, in thoughtfulness, they moved away from the object of study (that is, Andrei's father), sometimes, on the contrary, they became as close to him as possible. It depended on the political situation, on the conjuncture, on the atmosphere. Many people knew Andrei's father well, and (in general terms) about his aspirations, and about his work, and in some form supported him in his difficult relations with the inspection commissions. So the commissions had to keep the right distance and not force events.
  But, in general, it was the second job (in terms of responsibilities and nerve costs), but - multiplied by three.
  Thus, if we talk not about salary, but about the load, then since the beginning of the active phase of controlled conflicts, Andrei's father worked in four jobs. The first job is activities for the benefit of the native country, native science and native submarine fleet. The second plus the third plus the fourth job is participation in the work of commissions as an object of auditee (oral and written explanations, endless submissions of some kind of documents, protection from various, endless, accusations at different levels, in official proceedings with different people). Naturally, those who wrote the "signals" - no one checked them.
  Sometimes (several times) Andrei's father met with the aforementioned head of the department of the oblast party committee. This boss either spoke in an indefinite spirit, or hinted at support, or expressed caution.
  The Ruling Party is a clot of wisdom!
  After some scandal at a local university with the participation of students (periodically there were conflicts in dormitories and other incidents), the head of the department of the oblast party committee began to speak profoundly on the topic: "No, we have good youth (young people)!" It was so absurd, stupid and inappropriate chatter, not adequate to the situation that Andrei vaguely smelled some kind of provocation (if objections followed, would they fabricate a case about Andrei's father anti-Soviet sentiments?).
  Meanwhile, Andrei at school actively communicated with the son of the party boss.
  Relations with most of the schoolmates were even. There were no common interests with anyone. Science was of no interest to anyone. Nobody was going to enter MGIMO.
  The girls focused on their affairs. One of them was a famous figure - it was known about her that she loves to ride a bike, and once gave a decisive rebuff to hooligans. About the boys, and about their interests, nothing definite could be said. One was famous for his training in the field of sport gymnastics and, accordingly, good grades in physical education.
  Once Andrei persuaded one of the boys to take technical translation courses. In these courses, the teacher gave foreign technical journals for translations and gave the standard - three seconds to search for a term in the dictionary.
  In general, it was a useful undertaking that did not receive any development.
  Somehow unexpectedly, this boy (with whom Andrei went to technical translation courses) went to study in Moscow after school, entered the Military Institute (?) at the military translators faculty (?) and died in Mozambique (?) from an infectious disease (according to the official version ).
  The relationship with the son of a party boss had a completely different character.
  There were visits to various sports sections, and exchange of books, and conversations on a variety of topics.
  It seems that this school friend even once invited Andrei to his home in a special house for high-ranking party workers in the center of the city (in everyday life it was called the "Noble Nest"). But it is not exactly. It seems that there are no memories of the apartment. But there is a memory of the entrance of this house. Maybe Andrei had to wait at the house for a few minutes, without going into the apartment?
  Andrei even recalled that during the period of active exchange of books (for reading), he took one of the books from this comrade. Then there was a reminder from that fellow to return the book. Andrey answered with surprise that he had returned the book long ago. The school comrade shrugged his shoulders.
  Somehow, sorting through his books, Andrei saw this book. Such details also took place. Some strange, awkward incident.
  In the meantime, studies continued - at Andrei; and inspections, and work (on four jobs) continued - at his father.
  Somehow it suddenly became known that the son of the party boss would not take the exams along (with) the whole class. He received some kind of medal (or silver or gold), passed the exams in advance and drove off to Moscow. What for? To enter MGIMO (or without exams, or almost without exams).
  The checks were finally over - the father left orbit. Even if such checks do not give definite results, then not every person is able to work in four jobs at once year after year (especially when the salary as for the one job).
  Naturally, there were fewer contacts.
  To be honest, Andrei had a moderate desire to study at MGIMO. And with a change in the situation and with a decrease in the volume of contacts, there was somehow no thought to waste time trying to enter MGIMO.
  What happened to the head of the oblast committee department after the so-called perestroika, Andrei did not know. A couple of times he saw this man in the building of the regional administration - he, already seventy - or eighty-year-old man (in appearance), was some kind of actor (like an expert) at some events.
  This department head also had bosses during the period of active inspections. Was it a profile secretary of the oblast committee? (Tesliya? Not Tesliya? But exactly - not Tesla). About such "profile" secretary, nothing practically was heard in connection with the checks.
  The first secretary of the oblast committee stood even higher. He was busy with his own tasks. In addition, his son became a doctor of science.
  In general, not only American canned meat was turning into counting units. But, also, a science developed, and people increased the qualifications and received diplomas.
  [MMСXХXV. An American canned meat has turned into a units of account. A story. - April 26, 2021.].
  July 28, 2021 15:44
  Translation from Russian into English: July 28, 2021 18:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Дерзкие мысли превратились в образовательные и научные достижения. Рассказ'.
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