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Facebook and a turntable. A philosophical note

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    Facebook and a turntable. A philosophical note.

  Facebook and a turntable. A philosophical note.
  Many years ago, I succumbed to a powerful information campaign. I created a personal profile (account) on the social network Facebook.
  The emphasis in this information campaign was made on the huge number of users of this social network. All real and potential Facebook users could assume that "contact" with innumerable mass of inhabitants of the planet "Earth" will bring positive changes in their lives.
  For about a year (or the similar period) I was doing a publications.
  As a result, I began to ask myself: why am I doing this?
  My number of "friends" grew, but I did not feel or receive any benefit from this result.
  Among the "friends" there was a group of "pontoviks" [a kind of hoaxers] - those people who clearly were not who they pretended to be.
  The implicit conditions of a game demanded that I communicate with these "pontoviks".
  If I avoided communicating with them, if I did not pay attention to them, then I would be among the not polite people.
  It seems that "not a polite person" is not the most unpleasant label that other people can hang on you ...
  But all the same - it"s not pleasant thing.
  It turned out that instead of a positive result, I was working for a negative result.
  I "closed" my personal profile (account) on the social network Facebook. Before that, I kindly had said goodbye to my "friends". Among them were not only "pontoviks", but also quite positive people who satisfied their curiosity with the help of a social network. I have good memories of these positive people.
  After completing my "career" as a Facebook user, I continued to treat this social network with great sympathy.
  The movie "The Social Network" had a significant impact on me.
  I saw a kind of legend in the Facebook project: a person with talent can suddenly take a leap and move to the top of the social pyramid.
  Even if I personally did not feel the need for constant use of the social network Facebook, I was still pleased to know, to understand that there are such wonderful transformations in the world - a person worked hard for several months and became a billionaire and a world figure.
  Today I learned that Facebook will be called Meta ...
  In an electronic encyclopedia, I read that one of the meanings of Meta is a turntable (turn point) at horse racing (horse competitions).
  In Rostov-on-Don there was (and possibly is) a hippodrome, but it was never mentioned by my parents, in my family, and I never visited it ...
  One of my high school classmates once said that he was betting at horse racing. He did not talk about winning. The topic was not developed ... Thus, I did not visit the hippodrome ...
  It was pleasant for me to periodically see the word "Facebook", to recall the movie "The Social Network" and to know that sometimes miracles happen in this life, that sometimes people become billionaires from ordinary students.
  Now I can see from the news how a highly qualified manager makes decisions about managing a large corporation.
  This is also interesting ...
  October 29, 2021 03:40
  Translation from Russian into English: October 29, 2021 04:35.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Facebook доскакал до поворотного столба. Философская заметка".
  { 2491. Facebook доскакал до поворотного столба. Философская заметка.
  MMСCCСLXI. Facebook and a turntable. A philosophical note. (English). }
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