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Georgy Langemak, Katyushas and V-2 rockets. A small, a large, and a civilizational scripts

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    Georgy Langemak, Katyushas and V-2 rockets. A small, a large, and a civilizational scripts.

  Georgy Langemak, Katyushas and V-2 rockets. A small, a large, and a civilizational scripts.
  Conscientious and high-quality historical and biographical book by Alexander Glushko (author - a descendant of Valentin Glushko) - "The Unknown Langemak. Constructor "Katyusha" multiple rocket launcher" (2012) ["Неизвестный Лангемак. Конструктор "катюш""].
  This powerful book "constructs" reality and history, focusing readers' attention to the creation of the legendary "Katyushas".
  This topic gives the book great potential, since the "Katyushas" are a matter of national pride. The summer of 1941 was a period of enormous defeats for the Red (Soviet) army. But it is important to remember in time about the "Katyushas" and about their volleys - and the correct emotional attitude is guaranteed. "Katyushas" are perceived even more positively when it comes to the period of the Soviet offensive.
  Alexander Glushko's powerful book contains many scripts.
  For example, I personally found such a script the interesting.
  The ingenious Georgy Erikhovich Langemak with his comrades, employees of the Rocket Institute (among them - Valentin Glushko), creates all the fundamental elements of the "Katyusha" multiple rocket launcher.
  A certain villain (Informer) writes denunciations.
  Langemak, Glushko, Korolev, Petropavlovsky and others find themselves in the hands of repressive bodies.
  The villain appropriates a "Katyusha". (What the scope! What the audacity! What the "naivety" of the ruling stratum!). The villain-informer becomes the director of the Rocket Institute, Hero and General, receives a major premium ...
  Higher officials are delighted with the "Katyushas" and their volleys.
  These influential people feel a pleasure that Tukhachevsky's assistances and employees were pushed off a road.
  The first disappointment comes in the summer of 1941. It seems that there are modern tanks, and Katyushas are firing volleys, and artillery (cannons, mortars) is working. But the enemy is already on the outskirts of Moscow.
  Action needs to be taken urgently. A culture is needed - a headquarters culture (a culture of the Army headquarters of high level), a management culture ... If it is a centuries-old culture (1364 - 1941), then this is not bad ...
  The second disappointment comes in 1944 when V-2 rockets begin to fall on London. In this situation, a citation from Marx and Lenin it's not an option of effective behaviour.
  Surprise gives way to fear, fear to anger. The naivete quickly fades away.
  Finally, the informer is accused of fraud, and all those who have suffered troubles because of the informer are released from punishment (Korolev and Glushko returned to life and work; Langemak was already shot). The anger of the higher authorities against the informer does not last long - he is a useful and understandable person.
  It seems the plot is not bad. It revolves around "Katyushas", but ends with V-2 rockets. Everyone knows about the legendary "Katyushas", everyone is proud of them.
  But in the text, you can also consider another plot, a larger one.
  Let's say there is a big Korolev and there is a small Korolev.
  A big Korolev it is Tsiolkovsky and Tukhachevsky.
  Little Korolev is Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.
  There is also little Stalin. He is in the leadership of the institute where little Korolev works. Big Stalin it is the General Secretary.
  There are also a variety of Stalins of between sizes.
  There is also a certain project of Korolev - these are interplanetary flights, and everything connected with them - spaceships, algorithms, space navigation, a space communications, etc.
  A little Stalin explains to little Korolev: we need weapons for the army. Set aside your daydreams, get involved in the development of practical weapons for the army. Give an effective weapon to the army!
  So, the realization of Korolyov's dreams (interplanetary flights) is blocked.
  The Informer comes and eliminates little Stalin (the one who is in the leadership of the institute). The informer himself becomes the leader (administrative head).
  German motorcyclists arrive on the outskirts of Moscow (the Wehrmacht arrives). Their arrival push off Stalins of between sizes. Alexander Vasilevsky and his specialists are forcing the marshals - horsemen from cavalery troops to move aside.
  Wernher von Braun launches the V-2 rockets, directs them to London, and the big Stalin intuitively senses a large and dangerous (for himself) case in this event.
  Those who were removed from the road by the Informer - they are brought back to life and activity.
  Suddenly, from Sergei Korolev's dreams of interplanetary flights, a strategic missile weapons and a cosmic guidance, target designation, and navigation appear.
  Neither the little Stalin, nor the average Stalin, nor the big Stalin expected this - their worldview was arranged in a fundamentally different way. Anything like that they regarded as fantasy - if ever thought of something like that (their thinking is "practical").
  The second plot, in comparison with the first, has the difference that strategic missile weapons, satellite navigation, and space targeting appear in it. And no one, except for the big and little Korolevs, could have foreseen the creation of such weapons.
  Let us also note the civilizational scenario. Glushko and Korolev were born in areas which in past were the territory of the Commonwealth. Georgy Erikhovich Langemak (his father is German, his mother is French from Switzerland), a coemployee of Glushko and Korolev in Jet Propulsion Research Institute (RNII) (the Rocket Institute), one of the main creators of "Katyushas", was born in the city of Starobilsk (Ukraine).
  The book by Alexander Glushko "The Unknown Langemak. Constructor "Katyusha" multiple rocket launcher" (2012) ["Неизвестный Лангемак. Конструктор "катюш""] contains many interesting scenarios.
  June 27, 2021 - June 28, 2021
  Translation from Russian into English: June 28, 2021 09:54.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Георгий Лангемак, "катюши" и ФАУ. Маленький, большой, а также цивилизационный сценарии".
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