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Gorky, Grinevsky (Grin), Paustovsky. A small secret of a great success in the progressive Soviet literature. A literary essay

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    Gorky, Grinevsky (Grin), Paustovsky. A small secret of a great success in the progressive Soviet literature. A literary essay.

  Gorky, Grinevsky (Grin), Paustovsky. A small secret of a great success in the progressive Soviet literature. A literary essay.
  Maxim Gorky in his autobiographical works described how the male half of the families "taught" the female half with fists.
  And in the families of, for example, Grinevsky [Grinevetsky] (Grin) and Paustovsky, there was the other atmosphere. In their families, women felt themselves differently.
  Paustovsky directly describes this in his memoirs.
  And we can guess about the family upbringing of Grinevsky (Grin) from his story 'Orange', where he talks about fluttering feelings, flying emotions - they move like sunbeams and dissolve in the air. Naturally, there no talking about any 'education' of women with fists.
  Knights tend to adore a Beautiful Lady.
  It is clear that in the conditions of industrialization, the Soviet state had a negative attitude towards such a custom as 'education' of women with fists.
  Such "studying" negatively affects women's health and reduces labor productivity.
  In addition, knightness and romanticism promise labor enthusiasm and a free (unpaid) labor in exchange for promises of honors.
  Consequently, the results of the upbringing received by Grinevsky (Grin) and by Paustovsky acquired a certain value - especially if the general cultural foundations could be transformed into literary works, become generally accessible and convincing.
  Some ingenuity is needed here.
  Paustovsky, for example, lived in a family environment that remembered the uprisings of former citizens of the Commonwealth. He grew up among people with a Polish upbringing and a Catholic faith.
  But these themes are not very suitable for success in Soviet literature.
  Paustovsky describes the death of his mother and sister. He describes these events with sadness. But the shock, that the reader of the story "Telegram" experiences, is not observed.
  Both Paustovsky's mother and sister were people from "that" environment, but how appropriate were such relatives in the new reality - the reality of the Secretariat of the Writers' Union, of the Literary Fund, of the Presidium of the Supreme Council (who was awarding with orders), of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU? Even if mother and sister were sitting in a remote village, as far as possible from the capital?
  In short, they passed away. Quietly. (Paustovsky was away from them at that time, and he was ill).
  The old woman from the "Telegram" - she also left quietly. She stroked the maple and left.
  Another thing is the grandfather of Maxim Gorky. He, of course, became impoverished towards the end of his life. But he was enrolled as a member of the dyers' guild. Even after the ruin, he felt himself relatively confident, walked the streets and loudly reproached those around him: 'Oh, you !!!'.
  There is a certain audacity in this, when viewed from afar. For Paustovsky's relatives, such audacity was unacceptable - may be they would suddenly arrange a new uprising against the partition of the Commonwealth or turn out to be "Polish interventionists of 1612."
  So, after the death of his mother and sister (they died ten days apart - approximately), Paustovsky decides to go to the capital and engage in literary work.
  Before a new segment of his life path, Paustovsky needs to gather his thoughts - somewhere far from the hustle and bustle ...
  He writes in his memoirs how dear for him the central Russia with its fields, how he admires the discreet beauty of the local peasant woman.
  It would be nice to decide on the issues of confessional inclinations, sympathies before starting a literary career.
  Paustovsky stops in the house of a local Orthodox priest. Both the priest and his church superior are described with sympathy.
  Clearly, in matters of religion, Paustovsky has the right vectors. Wrong "thoughs" are absent.
  Further - (after arriving in the capital) is a description of the huge building where the workers of the pen are acting.
  Here is Shklovsky, and someone else (I read in accelerated mode and did not remember all the names).
  They pat on the shoulder, look ... ... They invite ...
  Of course, no one denies that 'teaching' women with fists is a bad habit, and that a knightness and romanticism are useful qualities. Especially when there is the ability to give one's worldview the form of literary works and to positively influence the population.
  Love for native fields, for middle ('native') Russia, sympathy for a harmless 80-year-old Orthodox priest, a starting emotions (almost love - see Grin's 'fluttering emotions') for a young peasant woman from a local village. (Fists - no, no ... You need to understand the height (altitude) of a woman ...).
  Soon the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR will award the knight Paustovsky with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
  And even foreign readers - they do not remain indifferent to the results of the upbringing that the knight Paustovsky was endowed with (by his relatives), relatives who en masse (already) descended into the graves, who remembered the uprisings against the partitions of the Commonwealth and the Catholic services.
  So after all, life goes forward ... A new, a bright prospects ...
  And Soviet writers do not live badly ...
  In general, a correct education and a reasonable sobriety in choosing creative accents are an important prerequisite for literary success in progressive Soviet literature.
  I also liked the strict look of Paustovsky in most of the photographs. Of course, he is not Mikhail Andreevich Suslov (with his glasses and stern look) - but the right image - he is also important thing for the Central Committee, for the Presidium, for the Secretariat, for readers ...
  As Cervantes correctly wrote, Don Quixote sometimes makes a strange impression....
  June 2, 2022 16:56
  Translation from Russian into English: June 2, 2022 18:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Горький, Гриневский (Грин), Паустовский. Маленький секрет большого успеха в передовой советской литературе. Литературный очерк'.
  { 3032. Горький, Гриневский (Грин), Паустовский. Маленький секрет большого успеха в передовой советской литературе. Литературный очерк.
  MMMIII. Gorky, Grinevsky (Grin), Paustovsky. A small secret of a great success in the progressive Soviet literature. A literary essay. }
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