Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

How Senya told a fairy tales to a kids. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    How Senya told a fairy tales to a kids. A story.

  How Senya told a fairy tales to a kids. A story.
  Senya came with the kids at the cafe.
  He bought to each a Cup of tea.
  The children drank some tea and asked Senya to tell the fairy tale.
  Senya showed onto a shelf behind the glass with a samples of goods and with a price tags:
  - "We will come to this cafe in a month and prices here will not rise... If they grow up, only a few percent... imperceptibly ...".
  Kids laughed.
  - "In a month this cafe will expand. There will be a glass wall between the visitors and the service room. Behind the glass wall a hundred new employees of cafe will sit - graduates of universities - behind computers. They will develop, invent a new drinks, a new types of food, a new design of cakes.
  Visitors will have an improved appetite and a nice mood when looking at these happy young employees.
  Each of the employees will watch the faces of visitors - and will create an increasingly tasty, an increasingly natural, an increasingly useful and an increasingly cheaper types of drinks and food.
  Each of the employees of this cafe will receive a salary - one hundred thousand dollars a month."
  The children listened to Senya with delight and laughed louder.
  One of the kids suggested:
  - "Can I go to buy a little pie? To a tea? We 'll divide it for everyone."
  Senya counted the remaining money (that remained after week with a huge expenses) and nodded as a sign of consent.
  A minute later, two little cakes appeared - one with a jam, the other with a sweet curd.
  Senya didn 't have time to say anything as the cakes were eaten.
  - 'From you additionally...', - the voice of the employee of a cafe was heard.
  Senya looked hard for money in his pockets:
  - "Children! Quickly look, who of you have a money with yourself", - Senya commanded.
  The kids found coins in their pockets obediently and handed them to Senya.
  Senya, with a light exhale, paid for a second, unplanned, pie.
  - 'Today, children, our visit to a cafe is over!'
  All with a good mood and a laugh went out the cafe.
  Fairy tales ended. But there were a delicious prospects.
  January 6, 2020 18:45
  Translation from Russian into English: January 6, 2020 22:21.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Как Сеня рассказывал сказки детишкам. Рассказ'.
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