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Is it true that life in Moscow is preferable to life in Paris? A cultural note

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    Is it true that life in Moscow is preferable to life in Paris? A cultural note.

  Is it true that life in Moscow is preferable to life in Paris? A cultural note.
  PARIS, 30 August [2020]. / TASS /. The Parisian police have drawn up a report on the famous French actor Gerard Depardieu for driving [the scooter] while intoxicated, forbidding him to continue riding the scooter. " [unofficial translation] (
  "While the actor was waiting for friends at the police station, he said that he wanted to leave for Russia, since he has been a Russian citizen since 2013.
  Earlier, the actor Gerard Depardieu was included in the list of individual entrepreneurs to receive state support for a business affected by the pandemic. " [unofficial translation](
  Did Gerard Depardieu apply for consular assistance? This has not been reported. But, apparently, as a citizen of Russia since 2013, he has the right to consular assistance ...
  "Depardieu said that he no longer wants to be French and prefers Russia and Vladimir Putin." [unofficial translation] (
  Gerard Depardieu has great cultural merits. For example, he starred in the film "Napoleon" ...
  It is quite natural if he will apply for the post of Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia.
  We can assume that the deputy minister - in Moscow, in Russia - feels completely different from the actor on a scooter in Paris.
  "MOSCOW, August 28 [2020] / TASS /. The car, which is registered with one of the deputy defense ministers of Russia, got into an accident on Friday in the center of Moscow, a law enforcement source told TASS. " []
  "Baza writes that Yevkurov"s official car, which was in the passenger seat at the time of the accident, drove through a red light and provoked an accident.
  According to the interlocutor of TASS, after the collision, one of the cars ran into a woman with a stroller, but no one was hurt. "An ambulance was called to the place, but the baby did not need hospitalization," Baza clarifies. At the same time, Telegram channel 112 writes that the child was taken to the hospital with a concussion. " (
  Naturally, the deputy minister has no troubles with either the police station, or problems with the confiscation of a scooter or car. He is not a driver, but a passenger. He presented his ID - introduced himself - signed the protocol - went to the place of service ...
  For Gerard Depardieu, an example can be a former actor, and now one of the central cultural figures in Russia, Sergei Bezrukov.
  "16:50 - 08/30/2020. Sergei Bezrukov was named the richest artistic director of the theater in Russia. Last year he earned more than 100 million rubles. " (
  Actor Sergei Bezrukov - Alexander Nikolaevich Belov ("Sasha Bely"), the leader of the "Brigade" (the leader of a criminal group). The film "Brigade" was filmed in 2002, at the same time as "Napoleon" (2002), where Gerard Depardieu played.
  Thus, Gerard Depardieu has reason to claim the post of Deputy Minister of Culture (which is higher in status than the artistic director of the theater), and to claim for incomes that are much more substantial than that of Sergei Bezrukov.
  We, naturally, cannot give any guarantees to Gerard Depardieu. But why not apply with an appropriate request for a chair in government? .. You need to try, and from a scooter you have a chance to move, like in a fairy tale, into a ministerial car ...
  August 31, 2020 09:16
  Translation from Russian into English: August 31, 2020 09:43.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Правда ли, что жизнь в Москве предпочтительнее жизни в Париже? Культурологическая заметка".
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