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Ivan Kramskoi, the Marshal of Russian Fine Arts of the mid-19th century. The note

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    Ivan Kramskoi, the Marshal of Russian Fine Arts of the mid-19th century. The note.

  Ivan Kramskoi, the Marshal of Russian Fine Arts of the mid-19th century. The note.
  The reading the biographies of Ilya Repin from Igor Grabar and from Sophia Prorokova, as well as the virtuoso genius the autobiographical and memoir prose of Ilya Repin himself "The Distant and the Close" directs us towards the personality of Ivan Kramskoi.
  Ivan Kramskoi is one of the important "elements" of the biography of Ilya Repin.
  It's strange. It seems that the main biographical works about Ivan Kramskoi are (we do not take into account his letters, which were published, but which are not at our disposal) two biographical sketches. The first one (1891 ) was published in Pavlenkov's pre-revolutionary series "The Life of Remarkable People". The second belongs to the pen of Ilya Repin (1888) (Ilya Repin's essay about Ivan Kramskoi is included in Ilya Repn's book "The Distant and the Close" edited by Korney Chukovsky; this book was prepared (and was ready) for publication before 1917).
  What attracts attention. Ivan Kramskoi was born in 1837, in the Voronezh province. "He was far from being of noble origin. His grandfather, according to Ivan Nikolayevich himself, was a so-called military local inhabitant; the grandfather served, it seems, as a volost clerk somewhere in Ukraine ... ".
  So, if you try to delve into the history of the Kramskoi family, then you come across a barrier of lack of information somewhere in the late 18th - early 19th centuries.
  1795? The partition of the Commonwealth?
  The Kramskoi family consisted of literate, educated people, inclined to receive education.
  Moreover, Ivan Kramskoi himself was distinguished by such a quality as the independent development of his own abilities.
  Such quality of his biography may cause surprise, just as surprise may arise at the sight of a beggar school teacher engaged in the theme of space exploration (Konstantin Tsiolkovsky).
  Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) lived and acted in parallel (simultaneously) with Ivan Kramskoi (1837-1887). So, the Dostoevsky's idea of "Humble yourself, the proud man!" did not have time to penetrate deeply into the psychology of Ivan Kramskoi (if this idea really was addressed to Kramskoi).
  Ivan Kramskoi considered the best day of his life the November 9, 1863.
  "This is what he wrote, by the way, to Repin after more than ten years:" And suddenly - a jolt ... woke up ... 63rd year, 9th November, when fourteen people abandoned the program. The only good day in my life, the day, honestly and well lived! This is the only day that I remember with pure and sincere joy. " ("Riot of the Fourteen" - the best students of the Imperial Academy of Arts refused to take exams according to the established rules and "left" the Academy. The organizer of the "riot" was Ivan Kramskoi).
  Ivan Kramskoi opened the way for new trends in Russian fine arts. He is the main creator of the Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions (often called The Wanderers or The Itinerants).
  In 1866, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky (1823 - 1886) wrote: "I have almost no benefit from the theater, although all theaters in Russia live by my repertoire; the theatrical bosses do not like me, and it"s time for me to see not only goodwill, but also some respect; nothing is done for me without troubles and bows on my part, and you yourself know if I am capable of groveling; Given my position in literature, playing the role of an eternally bowing supplicant is difficult and humiliating ... Having given the theater 25 original plays, I did not achieve that I [by superiors] was even slightly distinguished from some bad translator. "
  Perhaps Alexander Ostrovsky would like to live on income from literary activity ...
  In 1886 Alexander Ostrovsky took over the duties of managing the artistic part of the Moscow imperial theaters. (The head of the repertoire part [branch] it was the position, the level of a civil general).
  Ivan Kramskoi did not manage to become a general.
  Ivan Kramskoi died at the age of 50.
  It remains to hope for the emergence of a detailed, thorough biography of Ivan Kramskoi.
  [MCCСCXCII. Vissarion Belinsky. Literary marshal. Literary theorist. Literary patron. An essay. - June 9, 2020.
  MCCСCXCVII. Tretyakov. Marshal and patron of Russian fine art. A note on chapters 4-12 of of Leo Anisov's book "Tretyakov". - June 12, 2020.
  MDII. Diaghilev. Marshal of the Russian art. A note on chapters 4-6 of book "Diaghilev: outrunning the time". - June 15, 2020.
  MDX. Diaghilev. Marshal of European culture. 1914-1929. A note on chapters 16-26 of the book "Diaghilev: outrunning the time". - June 20, 2020.].
  October 15, 2021 07:59
  Translation from Russian into English: October 15, 2021 12:18.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Иван Крамской, маршал русского изобразительного искусства середины 19 века. Заметка".
  { 2456. Иван Крамской, маршал русского изобразительного искусства середины 19 века. Заметка.
  MMСCCСXXVI. Ivan Kramskoi, the Marshal of Russian Fine Arts of the mid-19th century. The note. (English). }
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