Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Jeanine Anez, Nicolas Maduro and Ivan Iv Vasilyevich on January 3, 1565. A note

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    Jeanine Áñez, Nicolas Maduro and Ivan IV Vasilyevich on January 3, 1565. A note.

  Jeanine Áñez, Nicolas Maduro and Ivan IV Vasilyevich on January 3, 1565. A note.
  Events in Belarus (August-September 2020) attracted the attention of Russial citizens.
  As a result, an interesting event in Latin America remained virtually unnoticed by the Russial audience.
  Modern Venezuela is one of the interesting countries for the Russial public in South America.
  In Venezuela, led by Nicolas Maduro, some social technologies are being tested, which are then used in Russia (in Belarus?). For example, the use of such technology as "collectivos". And isn't the attempt to squeeze out the opposition abroad (Belarus, August-September 2020) reminiscent, remotely, of liberation from the opposition in Venezuela?
  Nicolas Maduro's regime does not exist on its own. He has international support. Among his supporters was former Bolivian President Evo Morales.
  Morales was distinguished by the desire to remain in power indefinitely, endless. In addition, the entire of Bolivian state system was saturated with representatives of the Morales party - by 99 percent.
  Owing demonstrative resignation on November 10, 2019, Morales and representatives of his party organized for Bolivia a need - a need similar for the population of the Tsardom of Russia on January 3, 1565 - to ask the leader to return.
  The 1 percent not filled with representatives of Evo Morales' party created colossal problems for Morales.
  With the support of the army, Jeanine Áñez, the second deputy chairman of the Bolivian Senate, came to the post of interim president of Bolivia.
  She broke off relations with the Maduro regime, executed a diplomatic recognition of the legitimate President of Venezuela Juan Guaidó, and restored relations with the United States.
  Part of the population of Bolivia demanded the departure of Morales, which led to his resignation on November 10, 2019.
  But after the departure of Evo Morales, another part of the population protested.
  Jeanine Áñez gave decisive orders to the army to restore order.
  Yes, several dozen people were killed - while order was restored.
  Compare this number with the number of deaths due to the orders (life conditions) established by Maduro, and deported - de facto (formally - voluntarily emigrated from Venezuela). Hundreds of thousands, millions of people became victims of the order established by Maduro.
  Jeanine Áñez began to prepare new elections. The party of Evo Morales was admitted to these elections (Evo Morales himself fled abroad and received political asylum).
  International organizations and the press made Jeanine Áñez's actions to restore order an object of criticism - without taking into account the historical context, development trends, the experience of Venezuela's suffering under the leadership of Nicolas Maduro, without taking into account the links between Evo Morales and Nicolas Maduro.
  No one criticized Jeanine Áñez for the fact that during period of her presidency the party of Evo Morales was able to participate in the elections again.
  Criticism of Jeanine Áñez - with the turned off memory about Nicolas Maduro!
  What a result we see?
  Evo Morales' party has renewed its reputation - to the elections on October 18, 2020, this party comes without baggage in the form of Evo Morales (which does not prevent this party from maintaining ties with Evo Morales).
  As a result of the efforts of international organizations and the press, Jeanine Áñez gained a reputation not as a savior of the Bolivian state from catastrophe, but as a person whose name is associated with the suppression of riots and the death of several dozen people.
  On September 17, 2020, Jeanine Áñez withdrew her candidacy in the presidential elections in Bolivia ... This decision is justified by the need to defeat the party of Evo Morales in the presidential election on October 18, 2020.
  It remains to recall the rule - every organization is looking for a job, an employment for itself.
  If Evo Morales de facto or de jure returns to power, then international organizations and the press, who criticized Jeanine Áñez, will have a lot of new worries ...
  September 21, 2020 1:33
  Translation from Russian into English: September 21, 2020 14:44.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Жанин Аньес, Николас Мадуро и Иван Грозный 3 января 1565 года. Заметка'.
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