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Lenta and Utkonos. A brief economic study using the "method of putting puzzles"

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    Lenta and Utkonos. A brief economic study using the "method of putting puzzles".

  Lenta and Utkonos. A brief economic study using the 'method of putting puzzles'.
  While searching for information about the cost of an average check from the Lenta retailer, I found the phrase: 'Lenta announced the acquisition of the Utkonos ['Утконос'] company from Severgroup.' [unofficial translation]
  Lenta has a right to buy Utkonos?
  When I finished writing and posting a note on consumer demand in 2021, I felt a question: why does an academician need an organ (musical instrument)? ... There are different academicians and corresponding members, but so far I have not come across information that some academician owns an organ on the right of personal property ...
  I returned back to the information about Utkonos. It was purchased from Severgroup. What is Severgroup?
  In one of the publications, one of the phrases ends with the words: "... Severgroup of billionaire Alexei Mordashov."
  I do a search by the name "Mordashov".
  Capital: 'Северсталь' (76%), TUI (30%), 'Лента' [Lenta] (78%), Nordgold, 'Силовые машины'.
  This is a little unexpected for me.
  Figuratively speaking, are both vases on the same table? A candy is transferred from one vase to another vase?
  This is interesting.
  Another material. A mention of a some person: 'co-owner of Ulmart and ex-co-owner of Lenta' (the surname in this context is not very important; the mention of Ulmart is important).
  (The same material contains the phrase: 'Lenta is the third largest business player on the market after X5 Retail Group and Magnit' - we take this detail into special account).
  So, Ulmart.
  It turns out that Ulmart had big problems. Period of activity of Ulmart: 2008 - 2020. Is there no more Ulmart? But it was a very large company ...
  "In March 2020, Ulmart held the last sale with discounts up to 60%."
  Not all the puzzles have been completed (put, united) yet, but the direction of movement is felt ...
  If discounts will reach 60 percent, then things will move quickly...
  It's like a "removing" of a property from information databases (who is the owner in such a situation?) - and then a buying of such object for 20 percent (at an 80 percent discount) ... (See the history of the disappearing from information databases of the object on Muskatnaya Street in Rostov-on-Don as well as the unusual situation with the (right of) ownership of this object ...).
  [MMDCCLXXXVII. A purchasing power of the population in 2021. A note. - February 22, 2022.].
  February 22, 2022 16:18
  Translation from Russian into English: February 22, 2022 17:01.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лента и Утконос. Краткое экономическое исследование 'методом пазлов''.
  { 2818. Лента и Утконос. Краткое экономическое исследование 'методом пазлов'.
  MMDCCLXXXVIII. Lenta and Utkonos. A brief economic study using the 'method of putting puzzles'. }
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