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Lenya Bobrov completes his river journey in Rostov-on-Don and reflects on political meanings. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov completes his river journey in Rostov-on-Don and reflects on political meanings. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov completes his river journey in Rostov-on-Don and reflects on political meanings. A story.
  The motor ship, on which Lenya Bobrov was sailing, was approaching Rostov-on-Don.
  Lenya plans to visit the museum upon arrival in Rostov, inspect new archaeological finds and participate in scientific and historical discussions.
  Entertainment boats run between Starocherkassk and Rostov, on which visitors sit on the deck, eat and drink, listen to music and dance on the deck.
  One of these local ships sailed past Lenya.
  From the local ship Lenya heard music and the words: "... Reign for glory, for our glory!". ["God Save the Tsar!" was the national anthem of the Russian Empire]
  Lenya, just in case, stretched out at attention (he stood up and stretched his arms along the body).
  Rostov is already very close. It seems to Lenya that he guesses the outlines of the grain elevators. These are specialized buildings in which grain is stored.
  Lenya knows that about six traders control the world grain trade (80 percent), but what their inventories are and what their intentions and their prospects are, - there is no reliable information about this.
  Most likely, the Rostov elevators are filled with grain, but maybe they are empty.
  Both cases have their pros and cons.
  The new crop is coming soon, and it is necessary to make room for the new grain, and the old grain to sold.
  How to achieve periodic release of grain elevators from the grain of the previous harvest?
  Lenya tries to reason associatively.
  How much effort was spent on reasoning about "Eurasianism". The former president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, supported "Eurasianism". Around this "Eurasianism" some political thinkers from Russia also fed.
  But Nazarbayev was gone, and what are the prospects for "Eurasianism"?
  In fact, the Russian supporters of "Eurasianism", and Nazarbaev himself, are not the worst people. Nazarbayev often smiled, was not an evil person, and made attempts to do something positive.
  He was told how everyone around him loves ...
  A person can and believe what he is constantly told ...
  But they adopted changes to the Constitution of Kazakhstan and, it seems, removed the mention of the first president of Kazakhstan from the Constitution.
  It is a completely different matter in Russia.
  Of course, no one denies the fact of a "geopolitical catastrophe".
  But, at the same time, everyone loves the famous Declaration.
  Well, if you don't want to love her on the left, then let's look at her on the right.
  In the end, you can cling to something from above and look at her from above and wipe your tears from tenderness.
  And - to encourage various kinds of Cultural Centers created in honor of the promoter of this Declaration.
  Already the promoter has gone to another world, but everyone walks and dances around the historical document - they experience pleasure.
  Once upon a time there was a leader in the Rostov region - he, like Nazarbayev, was, in general, not an evil person and had some positive aspirations. He tried to support, for example, the activities of an automobile plant in Taganrog.
  Everyone loved him. And even provisions on guarantees for the resigned leader were introduced into the Charter of the region.
  However, time passed, and all guarantees were removed from the Charter of the region. He practically didn"t have to use them - love turned out to be not very long ...
  In some way, he anticipated Nazarbayev ...
  If the former leader had torpedoed the project of the Rostov NPP, then, perhaps, people would have loved him ... But benefits and guarantees would probably have been removed from the Charter of the region ... Or, maybe, something would have been left ...
  It remains only to speculate...
  But with the Declaration and with its promoter, it is impossible to part with, the round dances continue.
  The ship arrived at the river station.
  Lenya saw that a local flight was launched from Rostov to Taganrog along the Don River.
  Lenya changed his mind about going to the Rostov museum and looking at archaeological finds. He will do it later.
  Is it possible to get to Taganrog by road or rail?
  This means going to the station or spending money on a taxi ...
  Lenya thanks the captain for the excellent voyage and transfers his things to the motor ship of local line.
  Sailing from Rostov to Taganrog is a river breeze and no crowding.
  Half an hour is left before the ship's departure.
  An educational institution is located near the river station.
  The students lined up on the sports ground, fenced with a metallic net.
  The hoisting of the flag and the singing of the anthem will follow now.
  Lenya unexpectedly became the owner of real estate in the Volga city of automakers and runs the risk of making payments to the Capital Repair Fund and, in addition, spending his personal funds abundantly in various pleasant directions? There is no need to take it to heart and be very upset ... Nevertheless, people are not dragged en masse into jails and to ranges for shooting executions...
  Lenya, along with the students lined up on the sports ground, proudly looks at the rising flag and sings the anthem.
  June 12, 2022 06:19
  Translation from Russian into English: June 12, 2022 07:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лёня Бобров завершает речное путешествие в Ростове-на-Дону и размышляет о политических смыслах. Рассказ".
  { 3048. Лёня Бобров завершает речное путешествие в Ростове-на-Дону и размышляет о политических смыслах. Рассказ.
  MMMXIX. Lenya Bobrov completes his river journey in Rostov-on-Don and reflects on political meanings. A story. }
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