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Lenya Bobrov draws up a Mir card for a trip to Turkey, but he does a stop in Samarkand. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov draws up a MIR card for a trip to Turkey, but he does a stop in Samarkand. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov draws up a MIR card for a trip to Turkey, but he does a stop in Samarkand. A story.
  Lenya Bobrov learned that going to Belarus to exchange Russian rubles for Belarusian currency and then exchange Belarusian rubles for US dollars is a thankless task.
  Why not go to Turkey?
  Lenya had a MIR card. But for such a responsible business, it would be nice to update the map.
  Lenya goes to the bank and after some negotiations and some banking operations, he has new plastic in his hands. It does not hurt to check everything before a responsible trip.
  Lenya returns home. At this time, a phone call comes. A group of patriotic bloggers leaves for Samarkand. Now, more than ever, the support for our boys is important.
  Lenya has a bag with things prepared for travel, so he is already on the plane.
  On the way - short stops in the Caucasus, where you can write online notes in support of courageous people.
  And here is Samarkand! How many interesting things are here!
  However, in the evening, out of habit, Lenya listens to the radio, and he learns that Turkish hotels had problems accepting Mir cards: one of the networks explained that VakıfBank had stopped serving them due to instructions from the Central Bank of Turkey. [unofficial translation]
  Lenya feels himself a little disappointed.
  Lenya learns that the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry proposed to introduce the term "information collaborationism". [unofficial translation] If so, then there is no need to be upset, soon MIR cards will again be accepted in Turkey without problems. ('The problem of non-acceptance of Russian cards is of a targeted ["dotted"] nature and, as before, is associated with the cards of specific banks that have fallen under sanctions, and specific banks servicing individual hotels. As before, nothing bad happens on a countrywide scale with non-sanctioned cards. there is no documentary evidence of the presence of instructions from the Central Bank of Turkey to ban the acceptance of all Russian cards, 'the Association of Tour Operators said." [unofficial translation])
  Lenya decides to do a stop in Samarkand. World famous tourist attractions are located here. So here you can spend a few days for the benefit of your own horizons and get a lot of useful impressions.
  And then - or to return home, or - to fly to Turkey ...
  September 16, 2022 01:53
  Translation from Russian into English: September 16, 2022 02:34.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров оформляет карту МИР для поездки в Турцию, но задерживается в Самарканде. Рассказ'.
  { 3175. Лёня Бобров оформляет карту МИР для поездки в Турцию, но задерживается в Самарканде. Рассказ.
  MMMCXLVI. Lenya Bobrov draws up a MIR card for a trip to Turkey, but he does a stop in Samarkand. A story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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