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Lenya Bobrov imagins Napoleon, Joan of Arc and Robespierre in the painting "Parisian Cafe". A story

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    Lenya Bobrov imagins Napoleon, Joan of Arc and Robespierre in the painting "Parisian Cafe". A story.

  Lenya Bobrov imagins Napoleon, Joan of Arc and Robespierre in the painting "Parisian Cafe". A story.
  Leaving the park - after visiting the Summer Theater - Lenya Bobrov saw a small exhibition of reproductions on the theme "Parisian cafe".
  Reproductions are placed in the shade of trees. Next to them is an artist (with pencils, brushes and paints).
  Lenya was a little surprised.
  For today's agenda, the topic of "Colonialism" is more relevant than "Cafe".
  But for an independent artist, perhaps a some frivolity is forgiven? ...
  ('Maybe they haven't found out yet and haven't had time to pass the relevant law yet?').
  The artist is ready to create a drawing or paint a picture with quick movings of a pencil or strokes brush.
  Do you want your self-portrait?
  Maybe you want a landscape or a still life?
  Or a modern version of the "Parisian Cafe"?
  For Lenya, such an offer seems unexpected. In addition, Lenya is a patriot, and he is very cautious. ('What can to happen? Some historians, for example, were interested in the Paris archives and lectured at foreign universities in French, and later amazing things happened to them ...').
  Lenya continues on her way.
  However, the idea itself is interesting.
  Artists from France, Russia and other countries created a paintings "Parisian Cafe".
  The most famous in Russia is the painting by Ilya Repin "Parisian Cafe" (1874-75).
  The corresponding pictures depict various characters.
  Naturally, the composition of the visitors to the Parisian cafe varied depending on the historical period that was depicted by the artist.
  'Who could Ilya Repin draw in the painting 'Parisian Cafe' if he would painted such a picture today?' - Lenya thinks.
  Probably, he would have drawn a serious political figure, the heir of Napoleon and Talleyrand, with a confident hand carrying out reforms.
  In the picture, perhaps, the heiress of Joan of Arc would have been presented.
  A modern Robespierre would look interestingly in their society.
  The most interesting thing would be that all of them would feel comfortable, and would spend their time with pleasure (and profitably).
  'Times change, but the appeal of a Parisian cafe remains the same, unchanged!' - Lenya thinks, continuing his journey and reflecting on the problems of contemporary art.
  June 20, 2022 04:48
  Translation from Russian into English: June 20, 2022 05:27.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров представляет Наполеона, Жанну Д'Арк и Робеспьера на картине "Парижское кафе". Рассказ'.
  { 3059. Лёня Бобров представляет Наполеона, Жанну Д'Арк и Робеспьера на картине "Парижское кафе". Рассказ.
  MMMXXX. Lenya Bobrov imagins Napoleon, Joan of Arc and Robespierre in the painting "Parisian Cafe". A story. }
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