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Lenya Bobrov is going to make money out of air, depicts financial gears and becomes the Leader of modern science. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov is going to make money out of air, depicts financial gears and becomes the Leader of modern science. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov is going to make money out of air, depicts financial gearheels and becomes the Leader of modern science. A story.
  The time of MMM and other well-known financial pyramids is gone...
  The first financial pyramid - similar to the modern ones - appeared in France. It seems that this financial inventor was called John Law (1671-1729), and he convinced many important rulers of the effectiveness of his idea. Lenya Bobrov learned this in the university cafeteria when he ate pasta at the same table with students of the economics department of Rostov University.
  Financial pyramids appeared around the same era when the idea of a perpetual motion machine began to develop rapidly. These ideas have a relatively short history.
  Another thing is alchemy. Alchemy goes back to antiquity. With some degree of conventionality, alchemy can be explained through the desire to make money out of thin air. One of the outstanding representatives of alchemy is Johann Friedrich Böttger (1682 - 1719).
  Alchemists sat in ancient cellars and heated all sorts of vessels, filled with mysterious substances. But the easiest way is to make money directly out of thin air. Through the heating of the air.
  Lenya intends to heat (or cool) the air, get water from it, create a new Lake Baikal and sell water from New Baikal to China.
  It takes a lot of energy to fill New Baikal, but is this really a problem in the presence of a perpetual motion machine? In extreme cases, there are gas deposits in reserve - gas burns, gives energy, water is obtained directly from the air, New Baikal is filled. It remains to receive yuan (or to deposit them on accounts in Hong Kong).
  This is a public matter! Various, comparatively little, things, such as the deprivation by the Russian Federation of a citizen of the right of ownership of a real estate object (in Rostov-on-Don), - they do not distract the Government of the Russian Federation from global scientific projects ...
  Lenya recalls nano-bonds and mega-grants. Behind all these phenomena are huge financial flywheels and gearwheels.
  Lenya draws financial gearwheels:
  O ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
  /\ x x x x x x x x x O O
  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff /\/\
  The figure clearly shows that the gearwheels are spinning in the financial environment and set in motion financial flows.
  In addition to the gears, Lenya conditionally draws three figures. The first figure is the Duke of Orleans (regent of the French kingdom under the infant king Louis XV from 1715 to 1723). (The Duke was for some time a patron of John Law. He may have been directly or indirectly acquainted with Johann Friedrich Böttger). The two figures below are John Law and Johann Friedrich Böttger.
  Lenya can post a picture on the Internet.
  But first, Lenya goes to a nearby sewing studio and asks to increase his pocket ten times - so that there is where to put money.
  Lenya does a pause. He sits down in a chair and takes a deep breath. The matter, after all, is risky ... Should he take the risk?
  In general, scientific research is endless ... Either something will happen to Lenya, or to those who gave him money. In the first option, everything will be resolved by itself. In the second option, new people will be busy with more important problems - than Lenya with his research ...
  There is no risk. As in the case of nano-bonds and mega-grants, it is necessary to talk about great prospects with a great importance, constantly pushing off a useful result 3-10 years into the future. It's not that hard.
  There is also an unfortunate aspect. Lenya, after all, is a graduate of the Faculty of History. He considers himself an intellectual (member of intelligentsia). He respects Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. He read books and even tried himself as a writer. But today a new reality exists. Today, various types of activity are honorable and deserve respect. Possible to spin, and to roll, and to cleanse (to liberate), and to throw ...
  Lenya sends a resume and essay, describing his biography and the idea of 'Make Money Out of Air', to the Internet platform 'Leaders of Modern Science'. If Stolypin was engaged not in agrarian reform, but in the creation of New Baikal, Russia would not have problems with scientific and technological development and with the protection of sovereignty ...
  Now Lenya can post the drawing on the Internet. With the caption: 'Financial flywheels and gearwheels. Air is a money! The Duke d'Orléans receives John Law and Johann Friedrich Böttger."
  The title "Leader of Modern Science" and a lot of money are in Lenya's new (big) pocket!
  And if they forbid leaving in connection with Lenya's acquaintance with important secrets?!
  How then to be with trips to Africa and to other countries?
  Beach slippers and a panama hat with a label are already ordered in the online store.
  If this happens, it will be unpleasant... Lenya will have to think about it separately... The main issuer of nano-bonds, as well as the recipients of mega-grants, have no problems with foreign travel. Why should Leni have such problems? It is necessary to go more boldly into scientific problems, to overtake the advanced countries.
  July 22, 2022 13:14
  Translation from Russian into English: July 22, 2022 14:29.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров собирается делать деньги из воздуха, рисует финансовые шестеренки и становится Лидером современной науки. Рассказ'.
  { 3103. Лёня Бобров собирается делать деньги из воздуха, рисует финансовые шестеренки и становится Лидером современной науки. Рассказ.
  MMMLXXIV. Lenya Bobrov is going to make money out of air, depicts financial gearheels and becomes the Leader of modern science. A story. }
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