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Lenya Bobrov sees a huge potential for the tourism development in Siberia. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov sees a huge potential for the tourism development in Siberia. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov sees a huge potential for the tourism development in Siberia. A story.
  Lenya Bobrov knows that Siberians have always been prone to travel.
  Some folk storytellers brought to modern people the legend of the kind Russian Tsar, who provided free people (heading to the shores of the Pacific Ocean) with a good tourist cash back.
  During the era of the Tsar Liberator, due to problems with the Crimean War and the abolition of serfdom, the tourist cash back, apparently, decreased. It was necessary to sell Alaska.
  Lenya was walking down the street today and saw a working TV through the window of a shop. The credits reported that there was a transmission from Omsk.
  In general, Lenya repeatedly met materials from Omsk. It seems that in Omsk, many residents - as is typical of Siberians - show a desire to change places of residence.
  Back to basics! To those times when kind rulers provided Siberians with a good, attractive cash back!
  After that, again free people will start a movement to the shores of the Pacific Ocean ...
  The right policy will increase the number of tourists to 60 million people.
  Many Omsk residents will also wish to change their place of residence.
  Lenya finds a photograph of Omsk on the Internet, changes it a little and publishes it with the caption: 'There is a huge potential for the tourism development in Siberia!'.
  August 12, 2022 19:26
  Translation from Russian into English: August 12, 2022 19:49.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров видит в Сибири огромный потенциал для развития туризма. Рассказ'.
  { 3129. Лёня Бобров видит в Сибири огромный потенциал для развития туризма. Рассказ.
  MMMC. Lenya Bobrov sees a huge potential for the tourism development in Siberia. A story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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