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Lenya Bobrov takes a photograph of a high-ranking person who arrived with an inspection. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov takes a photograph of a high-ranking person who arrived with an inspection. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov takes a photograph of a high-ranking person who arrived with an inspection. A story.
  In the memorial places of Alexander Grin, the School of Young Geniuses "Phobos" successfully operates.
  For example, the students of this School proposed an idea: the Yenisei ferry, which now transports used cars from Japan to the countries of a new economic breakthrough, was proposed to be converted to transport oil and gas products from the wells of the Pechenegneftegaz company, which are located in the Black Sea.
  The idea was recognized as useful and deserving of implementation.
  Lenya Bobrov, as part of a delegation of bloggers, is preparing to take part in the first ferry voyage to the wells.
  Suddenly, the command "on board!" is announced. Bloggers rush to the plane. Where are we flying? Nobody knows anything. A demands of situation.
  Rostov. The plane is exchanging for helicopter. Field airfield in Semikarakorsk. Transfer to a hovercraft with the flag of the Rescue Service.
  From one of the sailors, bloggers learn that the hovercraft is rushing to the meeting place of a high-ranking person with the personnel.
  Arrival at the destination. Bloggers disembark from a hovercraft.
  Here is a huge field.
  People of all ranks are lined up here.
  The high-ranking person speaks inspirational words and presents awards.
  The ranks respond with greetings.
  After that, a high-ranking person approaches the line of service dogs.
  These are dogs that are involved in demining. They detect a mine and give a signal to the sapper.
  The dogs are well trained.
  They lined up in a row.
  They look great. They are well-fed. Wool shines.
  The high-ranking person looks round the dogs affectionately.
  Some dogs - those that have found a particularly large number of mines - receive a gentle pat onto the back.
  One of the dogs holds out a paw to a high-ranking person. He shakes this paw - he friendly squeezes this paw with his palm.
  Only Lenya managed to take a valuable photo! Now he will be famous all over the Internet.
  On the radio, they say on the news that the press secretary was asked if there will be a special report on the results of the inspection?
  "Reports are made daily!" the press secretary answers.
  "Well, this case is special!" Lena thinks. "Therefore, there is special interest in the report!"
  However, the command "on board!" is announced. Bloggers rush to the hovercraft.
  Semikarakorsk. Helicopter.
  Rostov. Airplane.
  Questions "Where are we flying?" now do not sound. Bloggers look thoughtfully out the plane windows.
  Bloggers returned to the memorial places of Alexander Grin. Visible thoughtful students of the School of Young Geniuses "Phobos". They gush out useful ideas.
  Who, if not they, will lift the country out of a difficult situation?!
  The sailing on the board of "Yenisei" to wells located in the Black Sea has been canceled for unknown reasons.
  Lenya, a lover of Pushkin and Lermontov's poems, feels a signal out of the peripheral part of his consciousness.
  Why is the ferry named "Yenisei"? Can a river float in the sea (or in the ocean)?..
  It's starting to rain. Now the rain and in these parts... Lenya remembers the Sports Capital of the South.
  It's time to go back to Taganrog. Emperor Alexander the First had vacations there.
  He traveled a lot to different countries, he visited a lot of places, and he was able to compare. The emperor knew where to rest, and he chose Taganrog ...
  A delegation of bloggers (including Lenya) with valuable photographs and useful materials flies on a special flight back to Taganrog.
  June 26, 2022 12:54
  Translation from Russian into English: June 26, 2022 14:38.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лёня Бобров фотографирует высокопоставленное лицо, приехавшее с инспекцией. Рассказ".
  { 3069. Лёня Бобров фотографирует высокопоставленное лицо, приехавшее с инспекцией. Рассказ.
  MMMXL. Lenya Bobrov takes a photograph of a high-ranking person who arrived with an inspection. A story. }
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