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Media machine and the quotes from the Bible. A note

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    Media machine and the quotes from the Bible. A note.

  Media machine and the quotes from the Bible. A note.
  Sergey Sergeyevich has not watched TV for a long time.
  The radio he also tried to listen to less. Practically he stopped listening to a couple of the known radio chatterers (speakers) - only one nonsense, also a chatter - a waste of time.
  However, sometimes two or three minutes were in the field of attention - before or after a news release.
  That was the case this time. The news program, voices of the radio chatterers.
  He is the soloist. She sings along.
  Suddenly Sergey Sergeyevich felt interest.
  - "It something a new!"
  The soloist summarized a parables and references on a publicans (tax collectors) from the Bible, linked them to the modern surname, and, even, shone with the phrase "burn in hell."
  Manoeuvres around the text of the Bible took the soloist about half an hour. The soloist gave his performance an ironic-comic style
  Sergey Sergeyevich no longer listened. Not pleasantly.
  Emotions remain emotions. But the question remained - and what does it all mean? What 's behind all this? How to understand all this? A random radio performance of a not the smartest people or...?
  The media machine works ...
  February 18, 2020 08:37
  Translation from Russian into English: February 18, 2020 08:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Медиа-машина и подборки из Библии. Заметка'.
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