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The one-act-play "a Delicious Pie" in the educational theater "globus-School"

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    MMMCCLXXX. The one-act-play "A Delicious Pie" in the educational theater "Globus-School". - May 29, 2023.

  The one-act-play 'A Delicious Pie' in the educational theater 'Globus-School'.
  Alex is a director-teacher. The rest - are students of the 'Globus-School' educational theater.
  Barry - he plays the role of the creator of the Pie.
  Ian and Sheila - they play the roles of media workers.
  Twelve students are acting as Pie tasters. Among them - Neil (he is the Chief Taster), Gladys - she is the first to begin to praise the Pie, she "sets the tone."
  Dilis - she accepts congratulations from the Hotel, from the Restaurant, from the Culinary School.
  The stage of the educational theater "Globus-School".
  Act I
  Director-teacher Alex enters the middle of the training scene:
  - 'Barry! Come here!'
  Alex points to the left edge of the stage.
  Barry goes to the place indicated by Alex.
  - 'Say: "My Pie will be the most delicious!"'
  - 'My Pie will be the most delicious!'
  - 'Remember what you read from Stanislavsky and Mikhail Chekhov! Be a creative actor!'
  - 'My Pie will be the most delicious! I love him!'
  - 'Repeat and repeat! Improvise!'
  Alex looks at a group of standing students:
  - 'Ian! Sheila! Come here!'
  Alex points to a place near Barry.
  - 'You are the media employees! Say: "Whose Pie will be the most delicious?" "Experts agree that Barry's Pie will be the tastiest." 'And what does...?' "Wouldn't it be an exaggeration that Barry's Pie would be the best?" and so on. Show your creative intuition!'
  Ian and Sheila start a dialogue.
  Alex looks at the speaking Barry, Ian, Sheila. He invites twelve students to himself:
  - 'Bring here (Alex points to a place next to Ian and Sheila) three tables and twelve chairs. Sit four people at each table. Put signs on the table: 'Table number 1', 'Table number 2', 'Table number 3'. You are tasters. Pretend that you are tasting the Pie. At the table number 3 sits the Chief Taster. Neil will be the Chief Taster. At table number 1 sits Gladys and three other tasters.
  You, Gladys, is the first starting praising Barry's Pie: "It's the best Pie!" The others listen to Gladys and then repeat her thought after her.
  All is clear? All is understandable?
  Bring tables.'
  Pupils bring tables, chairs, signs. They sit down. They image, demonstrate a Pie tasting.
  - 'This is the best Pie!'
  The rest of the tasters listen, then more and more louder praise the Pie.
  Alex looks at Barry, at Ian and Sheila, at the tasters:
  - 'Yeah, keep going...
  Dilis, come here! Stand here! Keep a cell phone to your ear! Loudly announce: 'Felicitations came, from Hotel, on a wonderful gastronomic success! From the Restaurant! From Culinary School!'
  Dilis stands on the stage at the indicated place and loudly announces:
  - 'Felicitations came in connection with a wonderful gastronomic success - from Hotel! From the Restaurant! From Culinary School!'
  - 'More fiction, Dilis! More fantasy!'
  Alex looks at the students thoughtfully.
  - 'Barry, come over here! Say the same thing, but not in the future, but in the present tense: 'My Pie is the most delicious!''.
  Barry crosses to the other side of the stage and says loudly:
  - 'My Pie is the most delicious!'
  - 'Go ahead! Do not stop!! Neil! Get up from table number 3 and come out here (Alex points to where Neil should be).
  You, Neil, is the Chief Taster. You complete the mise-en-scene. You say: "We, tasters, have come to the conclusion that Barry baked the best Pie."'
  - 'We, the tasters, came to the conclusion that Barry baked the best Pie!'
  Alex looks at the students diligently fulfilling their roles:
  - 'Perfectly! Excellent! You are still far from Richard Burbage, but success comes through repetition, work, study, creativity.
  While you can take a break, drink coffee.
  Memorize your emotions.
  After the break, we will have a brief discussion on the mise-en-scene played out.'
  Alex and the students leave the stage.
  (A curtain).
  May 29, 2023 00:39
  Translation from Russian into English: May 29, 2023 01:53
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Одноактная пьеса 'Вкусный пирог' в учебном театре 'Глобус-скул' '.
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  { 3309. Одноактная пьеса 'Вкусный пирог' в учебном театре 'Глобус-скул'. - 29 мая 2023 г.
  MMMCCLXXX. The one-act-play 'A Delicious Pie' in the educational theater 'Globus-School'. - May 29, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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