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My new screenplay for the work of director Konchalovsky. A cultural sketch

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    My new screenplay for the work of director Konchalovsky. A cultural sketch.

  My new screenplay for the work of director Konchalovsky. A cultural sketch.
  A few minutes ago, I heard a medium-sized radio-commentary on "Dear Comrades".
  The commentary style is complimentary (positive) and meaningless. Suspicious individuals may even suggest a some profitable fuss behind this comment. Well ... Everyone wants to live well ...
  This comment seems to indicate that the motion of "Dear Comrades" along the kino-orbit is gradually coming to an end.
  Further - film distribution (the broad screening)...
  Who needs him? This movie?
  For example, here are the words of Alexander Lukashenko.
  'LUKASHENKO: (...) People are crazy. Some people are just crazy ... So they got crazy, and we stopped reading, we stopped engaging in real culture, music, books and so on. We are on the Internet. What is good about the Internet - especially young people, and sometimes we - a lot of information. What are we reading? Headers only. Headers only. We have already written a short text - we do not read it. Well, we do not read it, because we do not have enough time. A huge amounts of information, and children, young people, even schoolchildren ... A new generation has grown up, which, they say, we have missed. Yes, we did not miss this new generation, just life is completely different. " [unofficial translation] (From an interview on September 09, 2020.
  If we are guided by this opinion, then it is enough for the mad youth to hear or read the words (the title) 'Dear comrades'. The events of 1962 in the city of Novocherkassk are absolutely not interesting for such young people. Consequently, the broad screening of the film 'Dear Comrades' is a completely ineffective business.
  However, in today's radio commentary on the film "Dear Comrades" praise was made to the financial benefactor of Konchalovsky and the financial abundance that Konchalovsky acquired.
  I, as a screenwriter, have not yet shown my talents, but sometime I need to start? Moreover, the quite good money is spinning in the cinema. Well ... Everyone wants to live well ...
  Why not update the theme of the film "Dear Comrades"?
  Here are my ideas of a new script - for the director Konchalovsky.
  For example, a film dedicated to the events in Belarus will be quite relevant.
  The working title of the film is "Black Parade" (Option: "Black Fashion Parade with a Kalashnikov assault rifle").
  In the center of the film is a member of the election commission Valya (or Manya). She worked on a collective farm (led by Lukashenko), but later rose to the position of a member of the election commission.
  A member of the electoral commission under a totalitarian-despotic regime is (in reality) a pawn whose task is to falsify election results in favor of the ruling group.
  But the director (and the entire film crew), of course, are not aware of this. And they don't want to know about it.
  Spectators of film are observing the August and September events of 2020 in Belarus through the eyes of an ordinary member of the election commission. She receives money in envelopes from one or more sources, and also - officially, in the form of a salary. Lives relatively well. Everyone wants to live well ... But everything changes when her daughter is accidentally captured (by efforts of unknown people) on a street and dragged into some kind of official institution. There this daughter for three days is tortured, humiliated, not allowed to eat, drink, to go to the toilet, and then she is, also, somehow punished. When she leaves the official institution, a frustrated mother hears that "some girls painted their asses with blue paint.". [such an explanation for the marks left on the body from the blows]
  Movie subtext. Portray naive people. To transform a disenfranchised and powerless pawn (member of the electoral commission) into a significant figure, into a member of the ruling elite. This woman is a small element of a large collective executioner. To lead the case to the idea - the executioners become a victim. Of course, not a word about a higher (highest) level of power.
  For an atmosphere of a truth, mentioning Lukashenko is, nevertheless, required. For overall credibility, an episode is placed in the film. The uncle of the main character (of a member of the election commission) goes online. Uncle finds there an interview with Alexander Lukashenko on September 8, 2020, and reads: 'LUKASHENKO: And the peculiarity is that our men began to hide behind women and children. But only in our country it was 75-80 years ago, when the Nazis let women go forward, while hiding behind them. "
  Then the uncle turns off the computer and with an important look speaks loudly to the camera: "There are no men in Belarus!"
  The general style of the film. The film is shot in blood red and brown tones ...
  When the film is ready, the main benefactor sponsor blinks to someone. A sponsorship fee is sent to an important film festival from a neutral source.
  The film "Black Parade" is included in the program of the film festival, receives some kind of prize (the reason for the media, for advertising is important; the general public does not understand these film prizes).
  A little hustle and bustle. Complimentary but meaningless comments in the media.
  Due to the relevance of the topic (events in Belarus!), a some proceeds are acquired during a wide film distribution (a broad screening)...
  Since the plot is basically borrowed from Greek mythology (in this matter I believe to the respectable figures), it can be reproduced periodically. So I'm not worried about reproaches about some similarity of plots.
  So, these are my suggestions to the director Konchalovsky (assuming that an artist's life is good when a period of financial abundance begins in such life).
  I don't insist on payment, because I don't fall under the notion of 'member of own, narrow, limited circle' ... On the other hand, I will not argue with Vissarion Belinsky.
  '- So you consider it a shame to admit that you are paid money for your mental work? I am ashamed and hurt for you, Turgenev! - Belinsky reproached him. " (Nicholas Bogoslovskiy "Turgenev"). ...
  [MDCXCIX. Dear comrades - a film-thimbleriggers. In connection with the screening of the film "Dear Comrades" at the Venice Film Festival. A culturological sketch. - September 8, 2020.]
  September 13, 2020 09:52
  Translation from Russian into English: September 13, 2020 17:15.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Мой новый сценарий для режиссёра Кончаловского. Культурологический скетч.
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