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Nikolai Gogol, Political History of Russia and the Constituent Assembly

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    Nikolai Gogol, Political History of Russia and the Constituent Assembly

  Nikolai Gogol, Political History of Russia and the Constituent Assembly
  Any scheme has an appeal - at least because of its relative simplicity and comprehensibility.
  Each of the great Russian writers is linked with some important events in Russian history ...
  Ivan Turgenev - with 1861 (the abolition of serfdom in Russia).
  Leo Tolstoy - (in particular) with the signing of the October Manifesto of 1905 and with the creation of the State Duma.
  Fyodor Dostoevsky - with April 12, 1961 (with the first manned space flight).
  And Gogol? What historical events is his work related to?
  If you can to watch clearly the other great Russian writers' a direct, positive influence on the Russian history, then Gogol was explaining and predicting. In such influence there is, also, a positive power.
  But it is advisable to name specific dates, indicate specific events.
  With this approach, the connection between the Gogol's creativity and the Russian history is an 'inverted' one, is a "changed."
  There are many dates.
  Nevertheless, I want to maintain the unity of the logical scheme. To name the date, the event where you can see not the inverted, but the direct, positive, influence of Nikolai Gogol.
  From the whole of Russian history, let mark out the events of 1917-1918.
  Emperor Nicholas II abdicates the throne, transfers power (with the participation in the transfer of power of Grand Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich) to the State Duma - as to the body, which was elected, with all 'but', with all nuances, by the vote of the population (the word combination 'representatives of the people in legislative institutions' was used in the Manifesto of Nicholas II on abdication).
  Out of nowhere the "Provisional Committee of the State Duma" jumps out ...
  What kind of Committee? In what order and by whom exactly is he formed? Try to find the answers ...
  The Provisional Government from the Provisional Committee jumps out.
  Kerensky jumps out from the Provisional Government.
  Kerensky, with some elegance, accuses Kornilov of attempting a coup d'etat and thereby brings the Bolsheviks to power.
  There is also a certain legal form. The Petrograd Soviet was created. And the Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC) jumped out of this Soviet. On November 7, 1917 (approximately) (in a new style), the Council of People's Commissars, headed by V.I. Lenin, jumped out of the MRC.
  Here you can ask an interesting question - and the Petrograd Soviet, and other Soviets, and the Constituent Assembly - all of them were formed, in theory, by a voting of a population. If we compare the voting results in the formation of different political structures - will they, these results, coincide or will differ?
  There are the least claims to the Constituent Assembly, and the most trust is in the correctness of its election.
  Since the goal is to choose a specific date (rather than indicate the entire political history of Russia as a whole), we will choose the day of election to the Constituent Assembly.
  And suppose that the power of creativity of Nikolai Gogol contributed to the elections to the Constituent Assembly of Russia.
  The election day is considered to be November 12 (25), 1917 (although voting was carried out on other days, also).
  The date, the day evokes a lot of different feelings ...
  But the 'The Government Inspector' and 'The Dead Souls' (works by Gogol) - they also cause many different feelings ...
  November 7, 2019 23:13
  Translation from Russian into English: November 8, 2019 12:20.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Николай Гоголь, политическая история России и Учредительное собрание'.
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