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Pay for the signal from the call unit to the communication device. A diary note

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    Pay for the signal from the call unit to the communication device. A diary note.

  Pay for the signal from the call unit to the communication device. A diary note.
  About payment for space on the wall, unoccupied with intercom (and handset)
  When: September 2 at 12:46 pm
  To: [email protected]
  From: Z Vl (Vladimir) [email protected]
  To the State Housing Inspectorate of the Rostov Oblast
  (Postal address. 344010, Rostov-on-Don, pr-kt Teatralny, 85.)
  E-mail address: [email protected]
  (this application is sent
  to the email address [email protected],
  indicated on the official website
  From Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich, (address indicated),
  Personal account of the subscriber (...) (LLC "Technical Center for Intercom" (TIN 7606057985))
  E-mail: [email protected]
  (response to my statement
  please send me
  to my email address)
  I receive receipts from Technical Intercom Center LLC (TIN 7606057985) (Rostov-on-Don, Turgenevskaya St., 78A, office 207), which indicate the (increasing) debt for the Intercom Maintenance service.
  There is no intercom in my apartment (respectively, there is no handset that is part of the intercom).
  On this occasion, I made 4 calls to the Intercom Technical Center LLC, on the basis of which two applications were issued from me. I originally called the number, placed on the receipt: 8-800-200-08-04.
  On September 2, 2022 (at approximately 11:49 a.m.), a call was made to my phone nomber. The employee, who introduced herself as Anna, said that she would give me an answer to my statements.
  Our conversation was relatively lengthy and touched on various topics, such as (1) services being imposed, (2) for what to pay, for the service received, or for (not necessary for me) "service" - that is, for work, which for me is not necessary and is not useful?, - and others.
  However, in this statement, I would not like to raise different (comparatively difficult) questions.
  I will focus on the simplest questions:
  (a) is it possible to consider as an 'intercom' the space on the wall (near the front door where an apartment intercom is usually located), unoccupied with intercom (and handset)?
  (2) What is "The intercom maintenance"? By this "maintenance" I mean the maintenance (servicing) of the space on the wall (near the front door where an apartment intercom is usually located), the space, unoccupied with intercom (and handset). What is this service?
  If a payment for the maintenance of an unoccupied place on the wall is the obligation of citizen, then I will be interested to know about it.
  Please look into this matter and take the necessary action.
  "Intercom is an electronic communication device for audio or video communication, video surveillance ..." [unofficial translation]
  "Intercom - an electronic system consisting of devices that transmit a signal from the calling unit to the communication device." [unofficial translation]
  Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich
  September 2, 2022 12:38
  Translation from Russian into English: September 2, 2022 13:24.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Оплатите сигнал от вызывного блока к переговорному устройству. Дневниковая заметка'.
  { 3157. Оплатите сигнал от вызывного блока к переговорному устройству. Дневниковая заметка.
  MMMCXXVIII. Pay for the signal from the call unit to the communication device. A diary note.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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