Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Political terrorists are wiping their traces with the constitution. Political note

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    Political terrorists are wiping their traces with the constitution. Political note.

  Political terrorists are wiping their traces with the constitution. A political note.
  Yesterday evening, a young woman, one of the leaders of the opposition post-electoral protests, was dragged into a minibus and taken away in an unknown direction.
  This action of political terrorism has attracted widespread attention due to its audacity and impudence.
  There was no information during several hours from the kidnapped young woman, one of the leaders of the protests. Her supporters turned to law enforcement agencies. State bodies assured that they had begun a search for the abducted girl.
  However, the advisers hiding behind the curtain appeased, calmed the perpetrators of the terrorist act.
  The girl will be intimidated, she will be transported up to the border of a neighboring state, she will flee abroad in fear.
  What kind of oppositionist is she? - She's just a frightened girl.
  And no one kidnapped her - she herself fled abroad. It was such a female trick of hers.
  However, the girl had a brave heart.
  When political terrorists began to push her abroad, she tore her passport. The border guards of a neighboring country could not let her into their country (with a torn passport), and political terrorists fell into a trap, which they themselves set.
  They were forced to place the kidnapped girl in some of the official institutions, which broke their own plans and consolidated the evidence of the abduction they had performed.
  According to the rules of abduction, which existed since the Middle Ages, the kidnapped person was deprived and is depriving of any ties with the outside world. Cutting off communications with the outside world is one of the hallmarks of kidnapping (and political terrorism).
  According to the rules of the civilized world, the girl should have been interviewed by employees of media, the details of her abduction should be made public. After that, a gang of political terrorists would have to find themselves in an extremely unenviable position.
  Once again, however, the behind-the-scenes advisors give their smart advice.
  An interview, of course, is necessary ...
  But not interview of a girl, but - of the one who leads the policy of terror.
  He should repent slightly, whine slightly. And to hide, now, behind not a Kalashnikov assault rifle, but behind a constitution.
  I'm sorry, but the constitution prohibits hindering the return of citizens to the territory of their own state ... And if during the interview they will ask about the archbishop? He was not allowed into the country when returning from abroad?
  They will not ask! They will not ask! In extreme cases, pretend to be a hose: "We are analyzing the situation!"
  In general, a little to repent, a little whine, a little wipe traces with the constitution.
  May be, the fearless heart of a brave girl will suddenly start to tremble?
  The kidnappers started to worry, to maneuver ...
  Moreover, nobody negotiate with terrorists. And if specially selected journalists interviewing, they thereby are announcing that terrorists are not terrorists. And a victim of terror is not a victim of terror. It's not a bad task for such journalists. They are brought up on a corrupt film money, on benches in parks of overseas megacities (a stolen bank money warmed them up), on unlimited money on a foreign accounts for which a foreign citizenship was bought ...
  Media jackals try to help political terrorists to confuse the public, to mislead ...
  September 8, 2020 17:35
  Translation from Russian into English: September 8, 2020 17:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Политические террористы подтирают свои следы конституцией. Политическая заметка'.
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