Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Probit' - the history of the notion. A linguistic version

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Probit' - the history of the notion. A linguistic version.

  Probit' - the history of the notion. A linguistic version.
  While reading materials in TIMESOFINDIA I found this topic: "Ben SmithNYT News Service. Feb 22, 2021, 18:13 IST. A new wave of news outlets has used conventional, and unconventional, methods ... ". (
  The author expresses his version of the concept of "probiv" ["to pierce"]:
  "The Russian language has introduced a few words that in recent years have been widely used and misused in English: disinformation, kompromat, Novichok. But the one that blows my mind is "probiv." It"s drawn from the word that means "to pierce" - or to enter something into a search bar. "
  After reading this opinion, you can associate the meaning of "search bar" with the Internet search and with the Internet search engines.
  To expand linguistic understanding, I will express my own version.
  For a long period of time in various markets (bazaars) in Russia it was possible to buy all sorts of disks with databases.
  For example, databases of addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  The disc buyer could go back to their computer, insert the disc into the drive.
  A window was opening for the interaction between the database and the customer.
  The buyer was knocking on the keys of his keyboard. He typed his queries (words, letter combinations) in the search boxes.
  The buyer of the disc was knocking on the keys ... at last, he could to possess the opportunity, after a certain number of strokes on the keys, to break through the veil of someone else's privacy.
  It was especially pleasant to do this for employees of various privite security agencies. It was necessary not so much to beat with fists as to beat on the keys. The work became less violent, but more intellectual. And the result could be more interesting than using fists. Accordingly, the expressive word " probit' " ["to punch through"] (of somebody) appeared.
  Thus, I derive the word " probit' " ["to punch through"] from a blows (knocks) on the keys of keyboard when working with databases - when looking for information about a particular person.
  My addition to Ben Smith's version focuses not on Internet search, but on working with databases - at a time when they were widely selling in various markets (bazaars).
  [DCCCLXVI. The Sketch how Vanya Zhukov translated the word "Russian" from Russian into English and improved the language of Shakespeare. - May 31, 2019.
  CMXLV. The Sketch about Sergei Sergeyevich's reflections of how a "media pool" "operates". - July 11, 2019.
  MMXXX. How to play by four hands with Seryozha? A linguistic note. - February 24, 2021.]
  February 24, 2021 09:16
  Translation from Russian into English: February 24, 2021 09:54.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Пробить - история возникновения понятия. Лингвистическая версия".
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