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Questions for the upcoming talks in Ukraine of representatives of the Belarusian people. An essay

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    Questions for the upcoming talks in Ukraine of representatives of the Belarusian people. An essay.

  Questions for the upcoming talks in Ukraine of representatives of the Belarusian people. An essay.
  1. A creation of the Velikolithuanian (in the future - the East-Republican) economic and migration space.
  At the initial stage of the discussion, the prospects for the integration of Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Moldova can be assessed.
  In a more mature version, Poland and all the Baltic republics are involved in the integration process.
  2. A creation of the Velikolithuanian [Velikolitovskiy] (East-Republican) Economic and Migration Council to assess markets, manage their development and a setting of quotas in the interests of participants, form transcontinental transport corridors and a system of logistics centers, conferencial indicative planning (as well as to control the migration balance and to manage migration processes).
  3. A formulation of the principles of economic and migration integration.
  For example:
  3.1. European orientation,
  3.2. Stimulating the development of highly-friendly environmentally and high-tech industries (through tariff and other methods),
  3.3. Complete rejection of nuclear energy (nuclear power plants),
  4. Creation of the Velikolithuanian (in the future - the East-Republican) humanitarian space.
  5. Prospects and algorithms for the integration of the Velikolithuanian (in the future - the East-Republican) economic, migration, humanitarian space into the European Union (EU). The right of all member states to make attempts to integrate into the EU independently, taking into account the interests of other member states.
  It is advisable to record the results of the discussion in a memorandum and try to convene a Velikolithuanian Economic Conference (with the invitation of representatives of Poland and all the Baltic states - with the simultaneous invitation of the widest circle of representatives).
  [LXXXIV. Velikolithuanians. - January 3, 2018.
  MCM. Zelensky's meeting with Gurkov; the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine; a people's embassies. The note. - December 12, 2020.].
  December 13, 2020 10:08
  Translation from Russian into English: December 13, 2020 10:42.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Вопросы для предстоящих переговоров в Украине представителей белорусского народа. Очерк'.
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