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A Russian literature - A Soviet literature - A Russial literature. A new ideas. An essay on the problems of a literary history

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    A Russian literature - A Soviet literature - A Russial literature. A new ideas. An essay on the problems of a literary history.

  A Russian literature - A Soviet literature - A Russial literature. A new ideas. An essay on the problems of a literary history.
  To discuss the topic, it is advisable to use the notions previously proposed by us - 'East-Republican' (a term denoting a historical connection with the Rech Pospolita - the Commonwealth) and 'Veliko-Lithuanian' (a term denoting a historical development from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania).
  The Rech Pospolita and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania had a European culture, a European education, and possibly a European literature.
  We do not know much about the literature of the Rech Pospolita - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
  Firstly, the ideology of the Russian Empire after 1795 (the final partition of the Rech Pospolita), the 'History' by Karamzin did not contribute to the accumulation of knowledge on this topic.
  Secondly, until the beginning of the 19th century, the development of the national book market was not observed.
  With the beginning of the 19th century, Russian intelligentsia began to form to a large extent from the people [expats] of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and at the same time a national book (creative) market began to form.
  Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky ... The Russian literature was largely a eastern-republican one, a Veliko-Lithuanian.
  You can use another method of argumentation. East-Republican, Veliko-Lithuanian literature has become on coincidence of historical circumstances the Great Russian literature.
  Closer to 1905 Bunin, Chekhov, Gorky appeared ... Nobel prize Winner in literature for 1905 not quite a stranger to the Russian Empire and to the Russian literature...
  Then - 1917, and - a Soviet literature.
  But the East-Republican, Veliko-Lithuanian (European) historical basis of literature made itself felt.
  Let's name, for example, Yuri Trifonov, with his grandmother Slovatinskaya, or Alexander Twardowski ('a one house owner' ["odnodvorets"] by origin) ...
  Now, apparently, there are grounds for stating the fact - a "Russial literature" come into being.
  What are its historical roots?
  An interesting information can be obtained by reading about the exchange of views between A. N. Sokurov and V. V. Putin (December 10, 2019).
  A detailed account of this conversation is presented in the report " Maybe it's time to come up with a new Russia?": as Sokurov spoke with Putin. ('Может, пришло время придумать новую Россию?': как Сокуров поговорил с Путиным) Afisha Daily (Афиша Daily)11 December 2019 15: 49.
  V. V. Putin proposed to turn our eyes to the South, approximately in the centuries close to the IX century. "But it is necessary, relying on everything that we got from layers of our history deep and very interesting, substantial, to analyze, choosing the best way of development for the nearest prospect medium-term and on historical. And of course, we can do it based on our people who are sincere, but a responsible attitude to our country.'
  The ideas expressed by V. V. Putin change (more or less) the prevailing idea that the South of modern Russia began joining the Russian state after the defeat by Tamerlane in the lower reaches of the Volga and Don of the troops that opposed him (1395).
  Tamerlan returned to his native places. And in the lower reaches of the Volga and Don a Cossack societies began to gradually develop. By virtue of belonging to the Christian faith, they more or less naturally entered into relations with the Russian Empire.
  Apparently, some adjustments need to be made into this views.
  If we focus on the degree of benevolent attention from the authorities and the level of funding, "our people who sincerely but responsibly relate to our Homeland" are academics, corresponding members and other employees of a well-known organization.
  It is quite natural to expect from them new interpretations of history (in general) and the history of Russian - Soviet - Russial literature (in particular).
  Perhaps, a literary monument similar to the "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" ('Слово о полку Игореве') will be discovered, analyzed in detail and presented to the public.
  December 14, 2019 07:56
  Translation from Russian into English: December 15, 2019 04:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Русская литература - Советская литература - Российская литература. Новые идеи. Очерк проблем истории литературы'.
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