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Russia's economic recovery program ... Through a destruction of a remnants of normal life? An essay

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    Russia's economic recovery program ... Through a destruction of a remnants of normal life? An essay.

  Russia's economic recovery program ... Through a destruction of a remnants of normal life? An essay.
  The development of a program for the recovery of the Russian economy is nearing completion. Information comes from different regions about the development of such a business, which destroys the remnants of normal life.
  First of all, two publications (materials) from the Khabarovsk Territory drew attention to themselves. We paid attention to the flow of information because of the general interest in the Far East, in the Khabarovsk Territory and in the Furgal case. Others materials have joined publications about the Khabarovsk Territory ...
  1) The city of Sovetskaya Gavan, Khabarovsk Territory. 'June 29 [2020], 10:13. In the Khabarovsk Territory, inhabitants of city of Sovetskaya Gavan are deprived of their last beach. Social tension is growing in the city of Sovetskaya Gavan, Transsibinfo reports. (...) Construction of the terminal will deprive residents of the only beach on the entire coast of the Tatar Strait (at Cape Menshikov). People rest there, graduates [of schools] come there to meet the dawn. All other coastal lands are allocated for transport. The construction of huge ports will destroy the last opportunity for citizens to rest by the sea. ' [unofficial translation] (
  2) Lake Amut, Khabarovsk Territory. 'August 30, 2020.... Until recently, the water in Lake Amut was blue and transparent. And last year it became muddy, waterlogging began along the banks. The equipment, which entered the taiga last summer, literally plowed the stream that flowed into the lake. And the washed-off streams of clay began to form islands on the lake that had never been there. (...)
  This is the only lake accessible to ordinary "budget" tourists - there is no need to take helicopters into the taiga, you can drive up directly by car. Its recreational value is difficult to assess. But last year the authorities decided to carry out sanitary felling here ... '(
  3. Serebryany Bor, Moscow. "August 26, 2020. ... in the forest ... not just villas, residences and townhouses (as it is written on the website of the complex), but" buildings for the temporary stay of athletes and coaches. " Either stupidity, or outright cynicism "( No
  4. Cape Nagleynin, Chukotka. 'August 28, 2020.... For 400 years, a Chukchi deer was visiting the shore at Cape Nagleynyn. And after 5 years there will be no pasture at Cape Nagleynyn, and then there will be no deer left for the inhabitants of the villages of Ayon and Rytkuchi, and then there will be no villages, because there is no life in the tundra without a deer.
  A [sea] port will be built on Cape Nagleynyn by 2025 ... "(
  5. Beach and grove on the bank of the reservoir "Rostov Sea", Rostov-on-Don. Not every inhabitant of Rostov-on-Don can get to the banks of the Don River. The city is huge. Moreover, the banks of the river are fenced off; unlimited access of citizens to the shore in many places is difficult or prohibited. (On the Don River itself, people who are accustomed to luxury cars demonstrate their greatness, wealth and extreme social superiority, moving along the not very wide river by ocean speed boats capable of raising a wave of such height that this wave threatens the lives of ordinary fishermen who use conventional inflatable, metal or wooden watercraft ...). For a third of the metropolis, the budget vacation spot was the "Rostov Sea" - a small reservoir created in the 70s of the 20th century.
  '... as close as possible to the boundary of the water body. This is especially noticeable when observing the traditional, many-ten-year-old places of recreation of the townspeople. Where there was a beach, and together with the beach, a significant green area, where people could freely spend from one hour to a whole day with a significant degree of privacy (with an overnight stay at home), there the border of building zone was brought closer to the coast, as closer as possible, by another wave of highly efficient managers. Formally, the beach remains the same as before. But there is no place to walk, to run, to ride a bike ... If a city dweller decided to swim, then he does not have the previously used opportunity to go to the green zone and change - he has to deal with unpleasantly smelling dressing rooms, which stand in front of everyone.
  The previously existing recreation area was half eaten up by the results of a building activity. The remainder became halfly - unsuitable resting place, and halfly - the adjacent territory of houses, built nearby.
  Local effective managers are celebrating their next small (but noticeable) financial victory over the residents of a huge metropolis. " (MDXLIII. A catastrophic climate incident in the Krasnoyarsk Krai and a new approach to recreational and urban policy. The essay. - July 5, 2020; /
  With such a business, with such efficiency, even the remnants of normal life will end ...
  Thank you, thank you, thank you...
  September 6, 2020 09:52
  Translation from Russian into English: September 6, 2020 20:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Программа восстановления экономики России... Через разрушение остатков нормальной жизни? Очерк'.
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