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Senya and a modern technique. The story

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    Senya and a modern technique. The story.

  Senya and a modern technique. The story.
  There came evening.
  Turns out there are no vermichels in the home to make the kids a dinner.
  Senya scanned the remaining money - the children added coins - and went for vermichels to the next store.
  On the street he was met by friends.
  "Do you know what technical innovations are developing now?!"
  Senya was objecting and was agreeing. He knows everything about the development of technology!
  A phone call from Ruslan came (a five-time-distant friend of a four-time-far companion).
  Ruslan has an enormous bustle. New, not understandable, events. Relatives broke into the apartment and scream loudly.
  Ruslan moved to some cafe and from there talks with relatives, calls all friends.
  It was unpleasant to break away from the fascinating conversation about modern technology and to switch to the troublesome untimely news of Ruslan.
  But during a few years of dating Ruslan, Senya gave Ruslan a lot of money (no return required).
  How many money was given? Senya tried not to count. It is better not to know. (Millions? Billions?).
  Senya likes to give loans to friends. It brings him a respect and an influence.
  According to the rules of friendship, it is best to throw yourself to help Ruslan and to give him as much money as possible.
  But what about the pals, who gathered for discussion? What about the theme of the development of modern technology?
  "Do not give up, Ruslan! You know, I 'm on your side! "
  The pals listened to Senya 's phone conversation with Ruslan with respect.
  "You 're a real man, Senya! Real men now drive the most modern cars! "
  A new phone call came.
  Kids absolutely got hungry. When will Senya return with vermichels?
  Senya explained to the kids that new times were coming, and that it was necessary to give up dinners. The saved money will be spent on the purchases of a most modern equipment.
  'Our family can 't ride a bullshit car or walk! See what a cars the foreign nobles use! "
  There was a pause in the phone conversation.
  "I 'll come and will tell you a fairy tale soon, children!"
  Senya was proudly walking down the street accompanied by friends. He 's a great specialist in a modern technology. He is respected! He 's not going to use a bullshit car! He will buy the most modern cars! ("Not to forget to come up with a fairy tale for kids to they can to sleep quietly without dinner!")...
  A few minutes remained until the end of the food store 's working day.
  But Senya decided not to go to the food store.
  "Vermichel is a little thing! There are a new purposes! New prospects!".
  Senya 's consciousness opened for a new, modern, attractive world...
  January 10, 2020 10:26
  Translation from Russian into English: January 10, 2020 11:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и современная техника. Рассказ".
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