Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and a theatre

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and a theatre

  Senya and a theatre
  Senya always had a creativity abilities and a tendency to performances.
  But as the kids talked more and more about clothes and food, Senya was, more and more, switching to theatrical activities.
  He organized a traveling theatre and toured the country with performances.
  At first, this mobile theatre was of interest for audience.
  Then the Senya 's performances began to boo. However, outcries and booings were equated to an offenses.
  The public who was forced to attend Senya 's performances stopped outcries and booings, but behaved indifferently.
  A performances became obsolete.
  Senya had to go back to the kids. However, the kids continued, more and more, to talk about clothes and food.
  Senya, as a creative personality, invented the play "The Kind Tsar and the Hard-Working but Unsuccessful Boyars."
  He demonstrated this play through the folding screen (curtain) with the help of a hand puppets.
  There was, even, a toy (at first glance) box office - with a real money. The kids paid for the performances at the expense of the coins left, as yet, in their pockets.
  At any turn of events, a Senya's penchant for theater and performances made itself felt.
  Sometimes, giving in to his passion for performances, Senya solemnly handed out to the children some of the coins collected from them. Senya tried to do it as creatively as possible - trying to derail the applause.
  The kids were suffering and sighing. During sighs, they distracted themselves from talking about food and clothes...
  January 19, 2020 07:56
  Translation from Russian into English: January 19, 2020 08:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и театр'.
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