Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Senya and the education through the contrast. A story

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    Senya and the education through the contrast. A story.

  Senya and the education through the contrast. A story.
  The kids showed great interest in the bike parade, but something didn't work out. An atmosphere of slight disappointment appeared in the yard.
  Friends brought a portable radio receiver to the sports field and began to turn the tuning wheel trying catching a radio frequencies.
  A voice was heard talking about "demons"; the voice was rejoicing at the opportunity to shoot, to use firearms immediately, without warning and without trial.
  Friends explained that this is the famous Doctor Evil. He is applying his skills here, but prudently he purchased a backup villa in Italy. (They offered him an estate near the Gelendzhik, but he had no a wish to own of such estate - in Italy, it is safer).
  Senya involuntarily glanced at the kids. The kids listened to the statements about "demons" with great attention.
  Senya decided to apply an educational technique of "contrast".
  He organized a trip to the cemetery. Melodies on wooden spoons and a song from a patriotic film were performed. Everyone got up at the sound of the song.
  This event made an exciting impression on the kids.
  They returned home noisily, approached passing cars, and tried to talk to passing drivers. Drivers drivers signaled, hummed loudly in response. The evening was great!
  Achieving peak excitement is one of the elements of the educational technique of "contrast".
  And a visit to the cemetery (for aesthetic purposes) and the subsequent night return home (late at night) - all this allowed the kids to splash out their emotions. They will now move on to a calm mood and to a period of a productive study.
  Senya owns a variety of upbringing techniques and knows how to ensure a calm mood for children and their productive study!
  February 3, 2021 09:43
  Translation from Russian into English: February 3, 2021 12:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня и воспитание через контраст. Рассказ".
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