Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Senya and the energetic preparation for winter. The story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya and the energetic preparation for winter. The story.

  Senya and the energetic preparation for winter. The story.
  Senya felt anxiety about the state of the kids.
  Some of them woke up this morning with a cough and with a runny nose. Does the heating work poorly?
  And others complain about the food - either the food is not the right one, then it is not enough, - or they complain about the clothes - with the same, approximately, claims ...
  In general, you need to prepare for the winter.
  Senya immediately went to the sports ground, gathered friends and organized preparations for the winter.
  Friends sat down on velosimulators. The task was to provide a synchronous rotating of pedals.
  Senya reads poetry, and friends are catching the rhythm and simultaneously rotating of pedals.
  For example, Senya reads: "A little son came to his father. The little human asked ...". This is a one pedaling. The rotating movement number one.
  "What is a good? And what is a bad?" This is the next pedaling. The next movement of rotating.
  At first, the friends showed some confusion. But after a long reading of verses by Senya, they began to pedal synchronously.
  Senya was pleased.
  After the training, a debating took place.
  Friends advised Seine to install intelligent devices for weighing children and measuring their height. If someone loses weight incorrectly, gains weight, or grows poorly, then in this case - first to scold the kids, and then to fine.
  Sena liked the idea.
  They heard a cough. One of the kids playing in the yard was coughing.
  The cough did not make any impression to Senya. After good preparation, the kids will survive the winter without problems!
  September 24, 2020 13:48
  Translation from Russian into English: September 24, 2020 21:17.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и энергичная подготовка к зиме. Рассказ'.
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