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Senya and the famous writer. A story

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    Senya and the famous writer. A story.

  Senya and the famous writer. A story.
  Friends told Senya that the kids were acting excited. The children are expecting some pleasant events.
  Senya instructed friends to find out the details.
  It turned out that information about the arrival of a foreign charitable mission with a package of financial, food, humanitarian, educational and other actions was posted on the Internet. The kids hope that this overseas charitable mission will soon appear in the yard. They are hoping for candy and delicious cookies.
  Senya immediately allocated the necessary amounts from the money collected from the outlets located in the yard and next to the yard.
  Were rented: a huge screen, Artificial Intelligence to create images of famous people and prepare video clips, as well as the newest model bulldozer.
  The friends, additionaly, bought a useful books (in the bookstore) and Chinese-made fireworks.
  Soon, a charity event organized by Senya began.
  The Artificial Intelligence immediately created and showed the audience in the courtyard a digital film about the development of technology. As the latest model, a space velosimulator was presented, which - according to its technical characteristics - is capable of flying into space at extreme speed. The space velosimulator was a new qualitative step in the development of space technology.
  The Artificial Intelligence created, also, the image of a famous British writer, author of the books "The War of the Worlds" and "The Kremlin Dreamer". (Friends bought these books from a bookstore; and during the showing of the film, these books were selling to viewers at (with) a small premium [in favour of friends].)
  A writer from a huge screen praised the model of a space velosimulator.
  A large crowd of spectators gathered. Someone made a video of the event and posted it on the Internet.
  The charitable event, organized by Senya, aroused a great public interest.
  Reporters appeared. Friends checked their documents and warned them that reporters should keep compact and at a distance of 50 meters from the assembled spectators. The journalists began to fill the information space with messages about the charitable event organized by Senya.
  Senya was driving around, across and along the yard in a bulldozer of a newest model.
  At some point, friends caught the news on the Internet that a foreign charitable mission moving to a neighboring city.
  Senya turned on the speakerphone, displayed his image on the screen and announced the importance of combining technical achievements with a charity.
  The Artificial Intelligence created the prize and presented it on Senya's behalf to the created writer.
  Friends launched fireworks.
  The charitable action organized by Senya ended with general applause.
  The kids were delighted with what they saw, and they were very pleased with the purchase of interesting books.
  Friends looked at Senya with respect. Senya instructed friends to return the rented property and went to the yard tap to rinse face with water and to wash hands. It's nice to be a benefactor and bring up kids as knowledgeable people, competent in the development of the latest technology!
  September 19, 2020 21:06
  Translation from Russian into English: September 21, 2020 14:22.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня и знаменитый писатель. Рассказ'.
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