Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Senya, flowers for children, ice cream for wife. The story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya, flowers for children, ice cream for wife. The story.

  Senya, flowers for children, ice cream for wife. The story.
  Senya went to one of the shopping kiosks to pick up the money.
  There was a TV in the kiosk. The film "The Diamond Arm" is at screen.
  One of the heroes of the film was giving flowers to children and ice cream to wife.
  "Ice cream for children. Flowers to wife! " - Senya immediately mentally corrected the hero of the film.
  Senya quickly took out the phone and called the main dude for associative affairs.
  "Look, don't confuse one thing with another!
  In one case - our business is the side! We, like, don't interfere, we respect the "main person". Those who are in conflict with him - we, like, do not notice them. In general, we, as if, don't know them!
  For the other case, the opposite is true. We are in contact with the parties, with the participants to the conflict. The "main person", or is not the "main person" ... we don't know. We maintain relations with the parties, with the participants to the conflict and help to get out of the conflict situation without losses!
  Do you understand? You will not confuse one option with another? "
  Senya listened to the answer of the main dude for associative affairs and looked at the TV screen again.
  The hero of the film finally did everything right: "Ice cream for children. Flowers to wife! "
  Senya can't be fooled! He keeps all diplomacy in his head and gives timely instructions. Friends know this and respect Senya ...
  October 7, 2020 14:31
  Translation from Russian into English: October 7, 2020 14:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сеня, детям - цветы, жене - мороженое. Рассказ".
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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