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Signet and order. Alexandre Dumas and his media assistance to the Russian Empire. The Story

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    Signet and order. Alexandre Dumas and his media assistance to the Russian Empire. The Story

  Signet and order. Alexandre Dumas and his media assistance to the Russian Empire. The Story
  Alexandre Dumas loved receiving awards.
  Circumstances favored.
  Dumas was in his prime. In the environment of Dumas, the number of a Russian aristocrats increased.
  The Russian Empire accumulated problems with Poland.
  And a certain French artist received the Order of Stanislav of the second degree in Russia.
  As an skilled person, Dumas realized that it was time to take the initiative.
  In 1839, allegedly through 'secret agents' (why was 'secret agents' needed when there were Russian aristocrats in the circle of acquaintances of Dumas?) The Minister of Education Count Uvarov received a message that Dumas did not mind receiving the order (award).
  A suggestion was reported to Nikolay Pavlovich.
  The idea was like that. Dumas acts with decorum - presents the tsar with a book of his own in beautiful packaging, receives an order and then implements a "soft power" - describes the Russian Empire from the benevolent point of view.
  It seemed to suit everyone. Russia gets some international PR company in a difficult diplomatic atmosphere. And Dumas receives the order ...
  The minister, however, proposed to award Dumas with the Order of St. Stanislav of the third degree. Judging by the biography of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, this order was one of the most common awards of a relatively low level.
  Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in 1899 was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav of the third degree after a trip to Sakhalin (1890) and after the preparation of a book about this journey. (Was Chekhov one of the most important intellectual and media motors in the project of the Great Siberian Railway? Did his book about Sakhalin allow the Empire to relatively safely finish the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905?). It is nice to the great writer to receive the order. Even tuberculosis, which increasingly influenced Chekhov's life, perhaps, might not have prevented him from rejoicing ...
  Despite the positive opinion of the minister, Nikolay Pavlovich did not want to award Dumas the order. Enough a signet (a ring on finger).
  The ring was also not sent for a long time. Dumas should have persevered.
  The ring was, after all, sent to Dumas. Dumas in advance presented Nikolai Pavlovich a beautifully packed book from among own works.
  After some time, in 1840, Dumas wrote and published in one of the Parisian newspapers the novel 'The Fencing Teacher' ('Memoires d'un maitre d'armes') - about a Decembrist sent to Siberian exile and a his wife, native of France, who went with husband-Decembrist into Siberia.
  The novel was based on a real story and was banned in Russia.
  However, while traveling around Russia in 1858-1859, already in epoch of Alexander the Second, Dumas met the prototypes of his forbidden novel - the Decembrists gradually received a pardon.
  Dumas wrote a benevolent book about Russia following his trip. The diplomatic situation was gradually exchanging. The Crimean War of 1853-1856 passed. Independence of Poland was approaching.
  Dumas held a small PR campaign in favor of Russia. As he planned, back in 1839. But the order, it seems, he never received from the Tsar ...
  But while traveling around Russia, Dumas saw a lot of interesting things. For example, he wrote to his son: '... This dear [Kalmyk] prince, who, in addition to fifty thousand horses, thirty thousand camels, ten thousand rams and eleven thousand tents, has two hundred and seventy priests, some of whom play cymbals, others - on clarinets, third on sea shells, fourth on pipes twelve feet long ... ' (Quote - from the book by André Maurois 'Three Dumas' ["Titans: A Three-Generation Biography of the Dumas"]). (The quotation - translation from the Russian-language text).
  Dumas' plan to implement a media campaign in favor of Russia was implemented in 1862. But situation was a little different from what was originally planned.
  November 21, 2019 21:35
  Translation from Russian into English: November 21, 2019 23:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Перстень и орден. Александр Дюма и его медиа-помощь Российской империи. Рассказ'.Signet and order. Alexandre Dumas and his media assistance to the Russian Empire. The Story
  Alexandre Dumas loved receiving awards.
  Circumstances favored.
  Dumas was in his prime. In the environment of Dumas, the number of a Russian aristocrats increased.
  The Russian Empire accumulated problems with Poland.
  And a certain French artist received the Order of Stanislav of the second degree in Russia.
  As an skilled person, Dumas realized that it was time to take the initiative.
  In 1839, allegedly through 'secret agents' (why was 'secret agents' needed when there were Russian aristocrats in the circle of acquaintances of Dumas?) The Minister of Education Count Uvarov received a message that Dumas did not mind receiving the order (award).
  A suggestion was reported to Nikolay Pavlovich.
  The idea was like that. Dumas acts with decorum - presents the tsar with a book of his own in beautiful packaging, receives an order and then implements a "soft power" - describes the Russian Empire from the benevolent point of view.
  It seemed to suit everyone. Russia gets some international PR company in a difficult diplomatic atmosphere. And Dumas receives the order ...
  The minister, however, proposed to award Dumas with the Order of St. Stanislav of the third degree. Judging by the biography of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, this order was one of the most common awards of a relatively low level.
  Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in 1899 was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav of the third degree after a trip to Sakhalin (1890) and after the preparation of a book about this journey. (Was Chekhov one of the most important intellectual and media motors in the project of the Great Siberian Railway? Did his book about Sakhalin allow the Empire to relatively safely finish the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905?). It is nice to the great writer to receive the order. Even tuberculosis, which increasingly influenced Chekhov's life, perhaps, might not have prevented him from rejoicing ...
  Despite the positive opinion of the minister, Nikolay Pavlovich did not want to award Dumas the order. Enough a signet (a ring on finger).
  The ring was also not sent for a long time. Dumas should have persevered.
  The ring was, after all, sent to Dumas. Dumas in advance presented Nikolai Pavlovich a beautifully packed book from among own works.
  After some time, in 1840, Dumas wrote and published in one of the Parisian newspapers the novel 'The Fencing Teacher' ('Memoires d'un maitre d'armes') - about a Decembrist sent to Siberian exile and a his wife, native of France, who went with husband-Decembrist into Siberia.
  The novel was based on a real story and was banned in Russia.
  However, while traveling around Russia in 1858-1859, already in epoch of Alexander the Second, Dumas met the prototypes of his forbidden novel - the Decembrists gradually received a pardon.
  Dumas wrote a benevolent book about Russia following his trip. The diplomatic situation was gradually exchanging. The Crimean War of 1853-1856 passed. Independence of Poland was approaching.
  Dumas held a small PR campaign in favor of Russia. As he planned, back in 1839. But the order, it seems, he never received from the Tsar ...
  But while traveling around Russia, Dumas saw a lot of interesting things. For example, he wrote to his son: '... This dear [Kalmyk] prince, who, in addition to fifty thousand horses, thirty thousand camels, ten thousand rams and eleven thousand tents, has two hundred and seventy priests, some of whom play cymbals, others - on clarinets, third on sea shells, fourth on pipes twelve feet long ... ' (Quote - from the book by André Maurois 'Three Dumas' ["Titans: A Three-Generation Biography of the Dumas"]). (The quotation - translation from the Russian-language text).
  Dumas' plan to implement a media campaign in favor of Russia was implemented in 1862. But situation was a little different from what was originally planned.
  November 21, 2019 21:35
  Translation from Russian into English: November 21, 2019 23:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Перстень и орден. Александр Дюма и его медиа-помощь Российской империи. Рассказ'.
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