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Taganrog. Summer day

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    Textual components of the film "Taganrog. Summer day".

  Textual components of the film "Taganrog. Summer day".
  1.The film begins with the captions (subtitle, credit):
  https://proza.ru/2017/08/19/1439) (http://samlib.ru/z/zalesskij_w_w/zalesskivvtextcomponentsofthefilmtaganrogsummerday.shtml)
  1.3."Видеоконтент фильма отснят 17 августа 2017 года.
  The date of the videocontent creation: 17.08.2017
  г. Таганрог.
  Съемки выполнены камерой
  мобильного телефона.
  Mobile phone videocapture".
  2.The video voiced by the author as follows:
  Today, August 17, 2017.
  I came from the city of Rostov-on-Don (by the bus) to see the city - the city of Taganrog, which was founded by Peter the Great on the border between the 1600-ies and 1700-ies.
  Going further down the Smirnovskaya street (переулку Смирновскому), we are coming up to the "Old cemetery". At this cemetery there is a chapel - the first resting place of the blessed Paul of Taganrog.
  Here we are turning right, to the Zagorodni street (Загородний). It seems, there the gate ahead - the gate leading to the "Old cemetery".
  The chapel of the blessed St. Paul of Taganrog. The chapel is opened [it works] from 09-00 to 16-00. The break from 13-00 to 14-00.
  The inscription: "Here Holy relics of the elder of righteous Paul of Taganrog rested, - before the transfer of them to the St. Nicholas Church on June 20, 1999 - on the day of the glorification of the Ascetic among the Saints".
  We visited the magnificent Chapel of the Blessed Paul of Taganrog. And we move on. We continue our way.
  Looking at the family crypt Kotopouli and the tomb Alferaki, I remembered a visit by Heinrich Schliemann in the city of Taganrog. In Taganrog, he was impressed by the houses of the rich merchants - the Greeks. And, in particular, he identified [called] the house of the merchant Alferaki: "a Real Palace!"
  Coming off the "Old city cemetery", we are crossing the Smirnovskaya street. A bit shifted [doing a several steps] to the right, and we find ourselves on the Engels street (улице Энгельса).
  What was the fate of the Holy Blissful Paul of Taganrog?
  He traveled about ten years in the Holy places. And, at last, he stopped in the city of Taganrog. The people around him realized that he has the gifts of healing and of foresight. His fame expanded. A pilgrimage began.
  We have passed a certain number of blocks. And now we approaching the intersection of Engels street and the Turgenev street (улицы Тургеневской).
  The Turgenev Street, 82 (Тургеневский, 82). Yes, this house is situated near the intersection.
  "The Cell of St. Paul of Taganrog. Is opened [it works] from 9-00 to 18-00. Daily."
  - Good afternoon!
  We visited his cell, the Cell of the Holy Blissful Paul of Taganrog.
  Here the bench exists - the bench on which he slept. Visitors are allowed to lie down on this bench. And to draw [to direct] their requests to the Saint.
  Well, now we'll try to get on the Shevchenko street (улицу Шевченко). And there, along the Shevchenko street, we will go towards the St. Nicholas Church.
  Coming out of the cell of the Holy blissful Paul of Taganrog, we turn right, and we are reaching the street crossing. Here, although the signs are not seen, but I suppose that is the Shevchenko street. Let"s move along it.
  A beautiful building appears suddenly. Bright colors. We see the icon over the entrance. The Face of St. Nicholas.
  Such is the wonderful building - the St. Nicholas Church.
  In the Church there are the relics of the Holy Righteous Paul of Taganrog.
  Now, after the visiting St. Nicholas Church, I am heading to the shore of the Azov sea.
  I bathed in the Azov sea!
  A nice moment! The film about a summer day in the city of Taganrog I declare completed!
  3. The following titles:
  (С) Залесский Владимир Владимирович, 2017 г.
  (С) ZALESSKI, 2017
  All rights reserved".
  4. A note: the duration of the film is 9 minutes, 55 seconds.
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