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Tatsinskaya, Pristina, Al-Watiya. A historical essay

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    Tatsinskaya, Pristina, Al-Watiya. A historical essay.

  Tatsinskaya, Pristina, Al-Watiya. A historical essay.
  By a strange coincidence, a military operations associated with the seizure of airfields are relatively succinctly described in historical materials in Russian.
  For example, a successful tank operation against the airfield of the Nazi troops, stationed in the Tatsinskaya, presented in detailes in English. The operation was carried out on December 24, 1942 by the 24th Tank Corps (Major General of the Tank Troops Vasily Badanov).
  I had to read in translation.
  Tanks shot and crushed (pressed) enemy transport aircraft.
  The result of the operation was the disruption of the enemy's plans to supply for the Paulus group (surrounded near Stalingrad) and the disorganization of other plans of the the fascist leadership (Raid on Tatsinskaya, Wikipedia (en);
  The operation to establish control over the Slatina Airport near Pristina (on the night of June 12, 1999) is described in Russian succinctly, too.
  We tried to reconstruct the events with the help of English texts in the essay 'The Story about the Tam-Tams and about two versions of the march towards Pristina (July 1, 2019).'
  After a long search and juxtaposition of details, something like this became clear.
  Slatina Airport was under the control of the Yugoslav army.
  Then the airport 'smoothly' came under the control of the paratroopers of the Russian peacekeeping forces.
  And in the end ... There is such a Republic of Kosovo ... Some states recognize this Republic, and some do not recognize ...
  The history of the establishing of control over Al-Watya airbase in Libya (in mid-May 2020) is similarly very laconic.
  "218TV (Libya): the source discloses details of the situation around Al-Watya base and secret meeting of Field Marshal Haftar" ['218TV (Ливия): источник раскрывает подробности ситуации вокруг базы Аль-Ватыя и секретной встречи фельдмаршала Хафтара']:
  'The preparations for the operation lasted several weeks, and it was attended by Turkish forces deployed on the ship, a group of drones such as Anka-S and Bayraktar TB2, about 800 Syrian fighters loyal to the Turks, as well as 250 soldiers of the Government of the National Accord.'
  "... the signal to accelerate the evacuation process was the bombing of the base with Tomahawk missiles launched from a Turkish warship on the Libyan coast." []
  It seems that the pro-Turkish forces were building up pressure on the enemy. And this pressure reached such a level that the troops of the 'Marshal' Havtar chose to leave the air base, to retreat.
  The military operation in Libya differs from both the military operation near Stalingrad and the operation near Pristina.
  Apparently, every era, every cultural period has and shows a certain character of actions ...
  May 25, 2020 05:58
  Translation from Russian into English: May 25, 2020 06:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Тацинская, Приштина, Аль-Ватыя. Исторический очерк'.
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