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The attack on the forest fire intensifies. A prognosis story

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    The attack on the forest fire intensifies. A prognosis story.

  The attack on the forest fire intensifies. A prognosis story.
  The early morning.
  The sound of an engine is heard in the sky.
  A government plane lands on the airfield.
  A cavalcade of black cars immediately rushes to the place of events.
  Here, on the site of a tent camp (with autonomous water supply, food and other systems), a modern service and residential complex has been erected.
  A regional center for combating forest fires has been established.
  "What is the speed of the wind?!"
  'Are the protective (mineralized) strips wide enough?'
  'Request additional forces - people and equipment - from other regions. I give official consent and permission!"
  'We will allocate an additional several billion rubles to extinguish this forest fire. Submit an estimate to be included in the list of budget expenditures!'
  Orders are immediately given through the satellite communication system, requests are made.
  Additional funding is starting to flow through a special system of operational state financing and a system of fast bank payments.
  Artificial intelligence makes recommendations.
  By evening, the most important commands are given. Billions started coming in. The portable printing house printed the required number of copies of recommendations from artificial intelligence.
  The danger recedes.
  News outlets broadcast positive news.
  The evening.
  The sound of an aircraft engine is heard in the sky.
  The plane hurries to the places of fires, towards depressed regions and to decision-making centers.
  The plane passenger's cabin. Outside the porthole is a dark sky. 'Our history confirms our ability to overcome any difficulties!..'
  Forest fires will be defeated.
  [MMMCXVII. A defeated forest fire. A predictive story. - August 28, 2022.].
  September 2, 2022 06:31
  Translation from Russian into English: September 2, 2022 07:18.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Атака на лесной пожар усиливается. Прогностический рассказ'.
  { 3156. Атака на лесной пожар усиливается. Прогностический рассказ.
  MMMCXXVII. The attack on the forest fire intensifies. A prognosis story.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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