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The Central Film Festival 2024. A story for young men about Seryozha

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    MMMCDLXXXIV. The Central Film Festival 2024. A story for young men about Seryozha. - April 22, 2024.

  The Central Film Festival 2024. A story for young men about Seryozha.
  In exchange for free access to the pool, Seryozha received (at the local Film Club) a free invitation ticket to the Central Film Festival 2024.
  A preparation of documents for a business trip - in order to visit a Large Exhibition and get acquainted with the experience of quickly filling pools.
  A quick train ride, a visit to the Arboretum, an air plane, and here in front of Seryozha is the entrance to a large beautiful building. On the facade of the building there is a huge inscription "The Central Film Festival 2024".
  Seryozha prudently holds the invitation ticket in his hand and enters.
  The guards smile to him. No questions.
  There is a large staircase right in front of Seryozha. And a little to the side, the passage to the elevator is fenced with little columns. There are inscriptions on the little columns: "For enterprising girls and venerable (film) directors."
  Seryozha is an inquisitive person. He tries to walk down the passage, which is fenced with the little columns. The guards are alarmed. "Are you an enterprising girl?!" (Seryozha is clearly not the venerable director yet).
  With a feeling of annoyance, Seryozha leaves the beautiful building and remembers that he saw the sign "Make-up workshop" nearby.
  He goes there and asks to make up him as a girl, as he is accepted as an extra for the filming of the new movie.
  The money for the make-up Seryozha pays in advance. Forty minutes later, Seryozha looks like an attractive girl (he had to pay for the rent of women's clothing).
  Again, the same entrance to the building with the a huge inscription "The Central Film Festival 2024".
  Seryozha enters confidently and without hesitation goes to the elevator along the passage fenced with little columns.
  No questions from the guards.
  Seryozha enters the elevator. In the elevator, a man quickly feels Seryozha's chest (created by makeup artists).
  "You're going to play in a movie about Morozovsk."
  There is amazement on Seryozha's face.
  "The film is about how heroes perform feats, and villains torment people. And a young mother is running around the city, looking for an adult daughter."
  "Am I going to be a mom or a daughter?"
  "What is the difference for you?"
  A short stay in the recreation room, and Seryozha, accompanied by an assistant director, moves in a beautiful car to Nikiforov's Mountain.
  A beautiful house. A large room. Sofas. A huge plasma screen. There are objects of cinema art hanging on the walls: as hunting enthusiasts have scimitars and daggers, so there are movie cameras and other objects of cinema craft hanging here.
  "Have a seat" (gesture to the side of a large, pretty sofa) "now we will watch films from the film festival."
  Seryozha makes himself comfortable. Suddenly, he feels a palpation in a rather unexpected place.
  "Here that is what!"
  For a while, Seryozha is left alone in a room with a huge plasma screen and a nice sofa.
  Voices are heard saying, "Who is this chuvak [dude]?"
  "This is not a chuvak, this is me," Seryozha thinks, trying to defend his pride.
  A cheerful voice approaches closer: "Well, are you tired? The Sun is shining hot today!" "Now we will drive the devils out of you."
  It's a strange prospect. Seryozha is tensing up.
  A cheerful man settles down on the sofa next to Seryozha.
  What to wait for? After the unexpected palpation?
  Seryozha is saved by a sound somewhere in the sky.
  A cheerful man rips a movie camera off the wall and runs out onto the balcony: "Now we're going to make a documentary about these scoundrels who torture our people!" "And we'll show it at our film festival! There is a prize for relevance!" "You get ready! You will get the role of the hero of the 1905 war, you will command in Morozovsk!"
  For the Chairman of the Public Council of the Pool, a candidate for the positions of International Sports Inspector (for Africa) and of Honorary Ambassador for International Economic Cooperation with the countries of the global majority, this whole situation is petty, frivolous, ambiguous.
  Seryozha cautiously leaves the room with a huge plasma screen and a cute sofa. He finds a way out of the house, goes to the gate. The guards at the exit of the estate look at the disguised Seryozha and turn away. He's already outside. A road sign tells him which way to go.
  A car stops. "What, girl, should I give you a ride? I will drive up to the entrance of theater institute. And then you'll have to move yourself."
  Seryozha gets into the car. It is a pity that he could not watch films from the Central Film Festival 2024 on a large plasma screen.
  The driver feels Seryozha's chest. But so far, the car does not stop, the car goes on. It is a pity that the driver will not go up to Morozovsk.
  April 22, 2024 09:45
  Translation from Russian into English: April 22, 2024 12:20
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Столичный Кинофестиваль 2024. Рассказ для юношей о Серёже '.
  {3513. Столичный Кинофестиваль 2024. Рассказ для юношей о Серёже. - 22 апреля 2024 г.
  MMMCDLXXXIV. The Central Film Festival 2024. A story for young men about Seryozha. - April 22, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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