Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The constitution of chips. The sketch

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The constitution of chips. The sketch.

  The constitution of chips. The sketch.
  After the next event called "Presidential Elections", protests of the population of a small European country began.
  The residents of the country were sure that the votes in the elections were counted incorrectly, that the dictator had lost the elections, and the representative of the people won them.
  The dictator was listening with a smile to the claims of the people.
  The funny thing was that there was simply no vote count. The ballots were printed on special paper that quickly disintegrates under ultraviolet rays.
  And in the premises of the polling stations, special ultraviolet lamps were turned on.
  All protocols were printed and signed long before the so-called elections were held.
  However, something had to be done about the mass protests.
  The dictator quickly locked up various specialists in prison. After a week of finding the detainees in prison cells without mattresses, bed linen, blankets and pillows, the dictator came to the prison and gathered the arrested. He benevolently announced to them that they would only get hope of getting out of jail after developing effective proposals to overcome the protests.
  The loyal ones were given mattresses and blankets, the diligent ones were allowed to go to the bathhouse and to drink a tea with sandwiches, and some were released on subscription not to leave apartment.
  After brainstorming, fulfilled by the specialists, who were locked up in the prison, the dictator, had at his disposal a multi-level program to overcome the mass protests.
  The first point. It's necessary to fight not with protests, but with a pandemic.
  The second point. Fighting the pandemic means widespread introduction of microchips into the bodies of government officials and of the general public.
  The third point. The fight against the pandemic will be followed and completed with the adoption of the Constitution of Chips. In accordance with this Constitution, everyone takes their place in the electronic social matrix.
  While the people of the small country fought for political freedoms and for their future, the dictator fought against the pandemic.
  Sometimes he took a submachine gun, he dressed black clothes and a black cap, walked around the center of the capital and looked at the protesting masses from afar.
  "Everyone will be with microchips!"
  All civil servants, who was under the dictator's command, have already received microchips in their bodies. When they defended the dictatorship, they felt a surge of strength, and after skeptical thoughts they were finding themselves under an involuntary drowsiness.
  The chips made it possible to solve the financial issue as well. The entire state machine, despite its extreme operating conditions, required relatively little money. Civil servants with microchips simply could not ask for a wage increase and tore their backs to maintain the dictatorship almost free of charge.
  The dictator was very pleased and felt great.
  However, rumors of microchips have leaked outside the small country.
  Abroad, intensive work was procceding to create a technology for the remutation of microchips.
  One night, the dictator woke up from a strange silence.
  The building was quiet and deserted. There was no one left ... No one, at all ...
  The inauguration of the people's president was shown on TV. The People's President announced the holding of fair, free, competitive elections.
  The dictator took his a submachine gun and gave his word to defend himself to the last drop of blood.
  However, after a few days he found that no one was going to attack him. Someone from the hackers broke into the building management system and pushed out a huge bulletproof glasses. The dictator found himself in a large perimeter of huge transparent bulletproof walls. He had no possibilities to remove away the walls. But for his existence, the enclosed living space was quite enough.
  The dictator was in the aquarium. He fired at the armored glass-walls from a submachine gun, but they weren't destroyed. The ammunition quickly ran out.
  Through the working communication systems, he informed the world around him of his intention to defend himself to the last drop of blood.
  Nobody objected.
  It turned out that everyone was happy with the existence of a rebellious dictator. The building in which dictator was located was declared a branch of the Wax Museum.
  The dictator soon discovered that he had become a European and world landmark. Tourists from all the world after visiting the world famous national park located in a small country were inspecting the former dictator.
  Children and adults from all over the world were coming to see the aquarium with the dictator contained in it. It is interesting for everyone to look at the living dictator in black clothes, a black cap and with a submachine gun in his hand ...
  The fight against coronavirus has started to decline by itself ...
  The dictator discovered that when he poses in front of tourists in a black cap and with a machine gun in hand, a delicious lunch is delivered to him using a drone, and hot water appears in the tap, and he gets the opportunity to take a shower ...
  The dictator suggested that, by the creating a literary product, he would get the opportunity (in addition to a delicious dinner) to receive the good candies that he loved so much.
  Now, after walking in front of tourists behind armored glass with a machine gun in his hands and wearing a black cap, after taking a hot shower and a good dinner, he was sitting down at his desk and was writing his memoirs.
  For the memoirs, the former dictator coined the code name "The Constitution of Chips."
  October 29, 2020 10:00
  Translation from Russian into English: October 29, 2020 11:08.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Конституция чипов. Скетч'.
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