Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Dialogue about Anna Karenina

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    The Dialogue about Anna Karenina

  The Dialogue about Anna Karenina
  - Several words about the second trip abroad of Tolstoy. He went there on purpose mainly to study local schools and the systems of teaching existing at them ...
  - ... Goes to Dresden, everywhere on the road examining schools ...
  - ... From Dresden he goes to Kissingen, studies pedagogics history ...
  - In Weimar he attends kindergartens and through Yen comes back to Russia.
  - Having returned in 1861 to Yasnaya Polyana, Lev Nikolaevich was entirely given to both new duties, and schools.
  - It was the first completely without charge school. Pupils came and went when they wanted, did whatever they wanted, studied only those subjects that they chose, and in the form in which they liked, without any coercion, without the slightest discipline, except the one that they introduced themselves.
  - To Lev Nikolaevich there was a related topic of children's literature.
  - He read works by Lermontov.
  - Not only by Lermontov, but also by Chekhov.
  - He read the short story by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Vanka".
  - Lev Nikolaevich read this story and paid attention to one country boy. This boy moved his lips: "Dear Grandfather Konstantin Makarych," - he wrote.
  - Lev Nikolaevich persistently was engaged in education of a country children.
  - Lev Nikolaevich periodically passed near this a country boy. The boy periodically wrote letters. The boy was moving his lips: "Dear Grandfather Konstantin Makarych! - he was writing".
  - "In general, - the minister of national education wrote further, - I have to tell that activities of the count Tolstoy for a pedagogical part deserve full respect ..."
  - These words are cited by Evgeny Andreevich Solovyov in the book "L.N. Tolstoy: His life and literary activity".
  - The book by E.A. Solovyov - the one of L.N. Tolstoy's biographies ...
  - E. A. Solovyov doesn't mention that after episode, when Lev Nikolaevich in the twelfth time heard whisper of the country boy "Dear Grandfather Konstantin Makarych!..", he went and wrote the novel "Anna Karenina".
  - ... "... I will punish him ...".
  - Modern biographers of Lev Nikolaevich will complement E. A. Solovyov...
  - "Dear Grandfather Konstantin Makarych!."
  - "Anna Karenina"!
  - Attention to culture!...
  - Education development!.
  - ""I intend to grating your tobacco for you," - he continued".
  - "As for Moscow, it is a large city. There - are all gentlemen's houses, lots of horses, no sheep also a dogs are not angry".
  - "The village, to my grandfather".
  - "Konstantin Makarych".
  November 21, 2018 18:58
  Translation from Russian into English: November 21, 2018 19:44.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог об Анне Карениной".
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