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The Dialogue about the Human From the Past and about the skilful user

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    The Dialogue about the Human From the Past and about the skilful user

  The Dialogue about the Human From the Past and about the skilful user
  - Why did you call the miniature "The Dialogue about the Human From the Past..."?
  - Article about the book Valeria Kuznetsova "From cowardice, to meanness. Or the Life with the werewolf" is mentioned the certain Igor Chernyansky who was earlier the captain of the ice breaker, - the deputy governor of Primorye of that time.
  - What could be interesting in this Chernyansky?
  - "The Affairs of the region lay entirely on the shoulders of his Deputy Igor Chernyansky...", - writes the ex-first lady of Primorye. - "By the way, a little more about Igor Chernyansky. He showed himself a man of duty and honor: he left the post immediately after the departure of Kuznetsov, although the new Governor Yevgeny Nazdratenko and offered him to stay. That is,Chernyansky by this step also showed loyalty. All expected (and I including) that Kuznetsov will take away the Deputy with himself ( I will tell that the Consul General has powers on formation of staff - and it is normal practice). Before leaving office, my husband often called Igor his friend. But about this friendship he forgot immediately after leaving for America. ( ... ) Igor could not find a job for several years and died of a heart attack at the age of 47. The family had no savings, they buried him with the money of his classmates...'
  - Some associations with the miniature "Dialogue about the Human From the Past" may appear... and about "using", it is - in what sense?...
  - The image appears interesting, if you read the article about the book by Valeria Kuznetsova "From cowardice, to meanness. Or the Life with the werewolf".
  He used:
  (A) wife,
  B) uncle of wife,
  C) Deputy,
  G) a friend in graduate school,
  E) Russian and American authorities...
  And so on.
  - Everyone in some sense someone use. Why "skilful"?
  - If you read the book by the former first lady, the image of the villain does not appear. Just a user. But some nice hyphens are "looking out". He was prone to education. Beautiful letters knew how to write and wrote. He knew how to build relationships with women, beautifully courted. He played sports regularly. I, naturally, do not refer the drawing up of some written "works" to advantages. But nevertheless he was capable to make something and to sign with the own name. "...Their relationship did not work out. The refined Kuznetsov did not talk with "Mats", he did not take alcohol. Boris Nikolaevich, as we know, was absolutely another". Some level of culture as you see, looks through..
  - He skillfully used?
  - Yeah. He enjoyed "actively", when acted. Enjoyed "passively" when evaded from participation in the solution of problems. He mastered the art of "use".
  - Why isn't she happy?
  - The concept is. About a "gigolo". The concept is of subjective... Someone could appreciate the very opportunity to move to America, knowledge of the language, some experience of foreign life, the status of the Consul, political biography... If you express it all in money, you can raise the question of obtaining interest on the invested capital...
  - Yes... it happens, men cheat on women, and women cheat on men ... "which one of you is without sin..." Everyone has their own "truth". (Today, I will remind, we will not forget about AIDS).
  - He himself, probably, also said something.
  - I found one of his interviews. Seems, November 19, 2012 this interview was given. Remembers how he learned English, as was sent to study at MGIMO: "During the military service I went to the preparatory courses, learned English, etc. There was a system: people admitted to MGIMO by the directions of party and Soviet bodies. Respectively, I received the recommendation from a political department of special units of the fleet".
  - The propensity to study, in general, is a good quality. But the head of the region for the propensity to study is not chosen and appointed.
  - "When we read your biography, we decided that you are a kind of Primorsky Sobchak"...
  "Open Vladivostok Kuznetsov was able, and to make happy - no."
  - What is "Open Vladivostok"?
  - Like a political program ... A slogan. ...
  To open "and for foreigners, and for the Soviet people. Why am I so pained by this? The fact is that during the service I met a girl here, my future wife, and when, already studying at MGIMO, I wanted to visit her, I had to come here illegally. And I almost got arrested."
  '- Clearly. If you could get to this girl without obstacles, the city might have had a different fate.
  - (He smiles).'
  - He "opened"?
  - "Of course, there were many risk factors: military warehouses, ammunition. And by the way, history reminded of itself. Soon after "opening" near the Second small river there were explosions of warehouses of ammunition. And very a serious".
  - What his achievements on a post of the Governor of Primorye?
  - "Then we also could not assume that once Russia will be able to finance something. Internal sources were not too. Especially as then funds, the guaranteed supply failed - terrible time has come.
  - You then in Nakhodka made the special economic zone.
  - It besides was the palliative form of what I suggested Yeltsin to make in all Primorsky Krai.
  - ... Yeltsin then long deliberated and decided not to risk, and to experiment on Nakhodka.
  - How many did this zone exist?
  - It was the unrealized idea. Declared, but slowly everything came to naught.
  - Not therefore you left?
  - Exactly. It became clear that the general trends in the state directly contradict those purposes and tasks which I set for myself. And they could not be realized in conditions when fire on the White House from tanks". "The state strongly evolved towards feudalism".
  - "Open Vladivostok Kuznetsov was able, and to make happy - no." The launch of the balloons. "... In June, 1991 at the fifth session of regional Council most of deputies supported recognition of work of a krayispolkom "unsatisfactory", but the offer on V. Kuznetsov and A. Volyntsev's resignation did not receive a necessary majority of votes".
  - About America there are interesting thoughts in this his interview?
   - "About Primorsky Krai very few people in the world know, and Vladivostok is a brand. We sat once and drank beer in Nevada, in the desert, and I was much surprised to the fact that ordinary Americans heard about the city.
  - What was heard?
  - Not a lot of things. But I was struck by the fact that know such name. I think, it thanks to Nazdratenko. In the early nineties he became world famous. The Forbes magazine about him wrote. The Cossack with a nagaika was on the picture. To year in the 1994th. Well and about the city, naturally, too in this article it was told...".
  - Probably, gave an interview several years ago.
  - Yes, still at period of Miklushevsky.
  "And a lot of things will depend on what a will and a determination Miklushevsky will show, what team he eventually will gather. Because today there is yet no clear understanding who his team".
  "Miklushevsky has other idea of pressure. Not it, which was - kickback, a bribe to and fro and you to me unfasten so much. The idea of open society, involvement of people, real strengthening of institute of the power, since municipal. So far, of course, it uses substitutes in the form of these advisory councils, Public chamber... But he lives in real time, in actual practice. Recently he created the commission on public acceptance of objects of the summit. On the one hand, nonsense, and with another - two months did a travelings, 150 offers in the form of orders to it brought, and it already reacted to many things. So the result is. At least, it is an impulse for actions. Further, of course, its task to create and strengthen institutes of the power. But it will be executed, only if the movement on rapprochement of the power and people is continued".
  - Now he in what is engaged?
  - Not really it is clear. The ex-first lady writes:
  - "...Recently from the sale of the house I transferred to Vladimir Kuznetsov 400 thousand dollars. His son lives with his wife in a rented room. And, unlike his father, a Professor, son could not learn, to get good education.
  - Judging by the article about her book and the photos in the article - an energetic woman. She looks good....
  - Maybe that's why she feels offended?
  - And he that?
  - "Because I'm not one of those people who dictate to children where to go. Even I do not express any persistent wishes. To me my parents never gave advice and never limited in anything me. And I am very grateful to them for it". "
  - Back to Chernyansky. Do you think he had any options?...
  - The trend is historical. Useful people in this cultural and social environment feel discomfort. Users fulfill adaptations. Shakespeare ... "All's Well That Ends Well" ...
  - Yes!
  November 15, 2018 11:01
  Translation from Russian into English: November 15, 2018 12:42.
  Залесский Владимир Владимирович 'Диалог о пришельце из прошлого и о симпатичном юзере'.
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