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The digital book industry and Olga Korbut. A humorous note on digital reality

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    The digital book industry and Olga Korbut. A humorous note on digital reality.

  The digital book industry and Olga Korbut. A humorous note on digital reality.
  Leonid Bortkevich was not only a singer. He also was the author. He wrote books.
  Really curious. I am making attempts to find, download and read the books of Leonid Bortkevich.
  Something does not work...
  It remains unclear what the origin of Bortkevich? Who was the father of Leonid Bortkevich? This is probably not the main thing, but it is interesting for the sake of completeness.
  But Olga Korbut probably wrote about Bortkevich.
  I start looking for Olga Korbut's books.
  Here is Olga Korbut's book. But there seems to be no way to download this book - in a free mode.
  Further, a book-novel by a foreign author about the Romanian gymnast. There is also no way to download it for free.
  Suddenly! ... Olga Korbut really wrote several books about runes? !!! I am impressed. That's Olga Korbut! She looks at the world widely!
  But the runes do not interest me at the moment. I am interested in Leonid Bortkevich and Olga Korbut and their books.
  I continue to search.
  Search engines display the first (opening) lines of journalistic materials. Olga Korbut had a large family, a small apartment and a not very wealthy childhood.
  She came to the coach Renald Knysh to be trained. For some reason, I read (it was quite a long time ago) an interview with R. Knysh, where he talked about the original coaching methods that he used in relation to Olga Korbut.
  Original coaching methods, great work of a coach and an athlete. And ... the moment came when Olga Korbut became a world famous person ...
  And here is the book "Essays of My Soul". Author - Olga Korbut. Perhaps Olga Korbut wrote something interesting in this book.
  An introductory excerpt can be downloaded.
  While the excerpt is loading (it seems that this excerpt is larger in volume than some books), I begin to understand.
  A famous former gymnast Olga Korbut has patronymic (based on the given name of her father) Valentinovna. And this author has other patronymic - Alexandrovna.
  Why is the digital environment good?
  It's good by the fact that they read you ... Even if you wasn't trained by coach Renald Knysh, even if there were no both exclusive coaching methods, the enormous work of the coach and his ward-athlete ...
  It is good that there is no opportunity to download books by Leonid Bortkevich or Olga (Valentinovna) Korbut for free - their authors (or heirs) are likely to receive significant money for (through) the sale of these books. Interested persons cannot download books for free. What are they doing? They buy these books, they pay money. Hence, there is income for authors. I am sure about that.
  Still, in the end, I found the opportunity to read - if not the book of Leonid Bortkevich, then the book (the introductory excerpt) by Olga Korbut.
  April 16, 2021 14:20
  Translation from Russian into English: April 16, 2021 16:02.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Цифровая книжная индустрия и Ольга Корбут. Юмористическая заметка о цифровой реальности'.
  P.S. On Проза.ру, as I just looked, there are 14 (fourteen) Залесских.
   Владимир Владимирович Залесский
   Афанасий Залесский
   Евгений Залесский
   Дмитрий Залесский
   Александр Залесский
   Станислав Залесский
   Залесский Никита
   Залесский Александр
   Рудольф Залесский
   Юрий Залесский
   Юрий Залесский 2
   Петр Залесский
   Владимир Залесский Переводы
  Two Залесский [Two Залесских] (Владимир Владимирович Залесский и Владимир Залесский Переводы) - this is me (the works in Russian and in English). The rest are not me.
  Moreover, I did not have the opportunity to create a separate page for a separate posting of the patriotic work 'Бурейский Дневник. Bureya Journal".
  A year or two ago, when a person with a provocative word appeared, I looked at a similar list - it had half the number (about 5-6) of authors with the surname Залесский.
  Much is now becoming clearer ...
  April 16, 2021 16:18
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