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The Digital pseudo-civilization. A philosophical treatise. (En)

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    The Digital pseudo-civilization. A philosophical treatise.

  The Digital pseudo-civilization. A philosophical treatise.
  New and new praise songs to a digital economy, a digital society, a digital services are heard.
  What is the benefit of "digitalization"?
  According to a number of digitalization parameters, Russia is in the forefront.
  And what? Is there a significant improvement in the welfare of the population?
  This is not heard.
  On the contrary, there are significant (increasing?) indicators of debt of the population and equally significant (increasing?) indicators of decline of purchasing power of the population.
  A familiarity with the results of digitalization in the West countries does not prove the usefulness of this process. From some spheres people are displaced by "robots" with not very clear results.
  Thus, reality does not confirm the usefulness, social effectiveness of digitalization.
  Let us digress from concrete examples and move on to a more general formulation of the question.
  The result of digitalization is the effect of a cave collectivity.
  In prehistoric times, people lived together in a caves, and everyone knew everything about each other.
  A digitalization leads to a cave collectiveness - with a specifying that not everyone knows everything, but only those who have access to databases.
  And how effective was a prehistoric man?
  The modern civilization is about 5,000 years old. An ancient, prehistoric man, existed, suppose, one million, or hundreds of thousands, years.
  Thus, an ancient, prehistoric, caveman has a huge advantage over a modern man in the duration of existence.
  On the contrary, he has no advantages in the field of general or technical culture over modern type of human.
  What were a features of the existence of a prehistoric man? - Helplessness before nature and before the tribe, a lack of knowledge, a lack of personal freedom, an unlimited dependence on individuals more physically strong and possessing a large amount, volume of power.
  What does digitalization offer to a modern society?
  Without making any concrete promises on the issue of improving the well-being of the population, a digitalization deprives people, the population of privacy. Along privacy, it deprives them of their identity. Along an identity, it deprives them of a culture. Puts them into a slave, dependent state, situation.
  With culture, digitalization robs people of civilization.
  Everything returns to a cave level, with the only correction that up to a caves a modern numerous society will go through the stage of totalitarianism and despitism.
  Different countries have different rates of digitalization.
  Many countries are simply indifferent to digitalization, and regard it either as an inevitable evil, or as the another, the new fashionable trend.
  Less digitalized countries turn out to be freer, more civilized, more cultural, more creative.
  Naturally, totalitarian regimes aim to expand their influence. The rivalry between culture and totalitarianism is natural. The aggressiveness of totalitarianism and despitism is more or less natural.
  Who will win? On the side of totalitarianism is an ability of a rapid concentration of all resources.
  On the side of civilization is a human creativity.
  As the experience of the Second World War shows, the struggle of a civilization with the totalitarianism is extremely difficult, but a civilization has every chance to succeed.
  For members of the "Young Guard" organization (in the fascists-occupied Soviet city of Krasnodon), there was no future under the rule of Hitler, Goebbels and other figures. It is clear.
  And what future was under the rule of Hitler, Goebbels and other figures for a civilized, highly educated Germans who lived in Hitler 's Germany? Would everyone become a barons with a huge estates and a local slaves? No less real would be the prospect of renewal of the population of concentration camps with the placement in the camp system of those very civilized, highly educated Germans - someone is not loyal enough, someone has the wrong views, someone thinks too much about unnecessary topics, etc. And besides, any system is looking for a job for itself...
  The Hitlerite elite had a resource of several generations, until the German society had degraded to the cave level (or until the other events catastrophic for Germany would have occurred) ...
  Countries that aim to preserve human privacy, historical identity and human rights and freedoms have the potential for effective development. They have a historical perspective.
  Countries, which are promoting "digitalization" at the level of public policy (as an end in itself) have every chance of moving down to a cave level. For them, about five thousand years of a modern man 's development will be broken, - a development will be stopped by a return to a cave style of life.
  The only chance for a 'digital' pseudo-civilizations is an aggressive stance towards states with a privacy and a historical identity and a personal rights. Their (pseudo-civilizations) goals are to get rid of more promising historical competitors, to go down to the cave level not alone, but all together - collectively.
  For a while, the scales 'bowls will fluctuate. Digital pseudocivilisations will demonstrate their power and strength in some areas.
  However, modern society with people of modern type, who are having a short but effective, about five thousand years, history, has every chance of winning and reaching new levels of development.
  Of course, a vigilance is required, and an 'anticipatory game', a "play ahead".
  February 14, 2020 20:27
  Translation from Russian into English: February 14, 2020 21:35.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Цифровая псевдоцивилизация. Философский очерк'.
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